TL;DR: Don’t refuse an in-game message request from the guild leader.
As a guild officer and TB co-ordinator, I can give the insight of myself and my guild into this issue. We have kicked mid TB before, and would do so again, however kicking *anyone* any time is something we are loathe to do - it is a last resort, because we value our members and their loyalty. As a result, we are full and have very little movement of people in or out. This makes the guild stronger and everyone happier, and management easier. We have discord as a requirement for everyone, though it is honoured somewhat in the breach than the observance for older players (new players have to join discord before they get in now). We have probably 1/3 not active on discord, and even that is a nightmare for us, and we work to improve it.
The latest person kicked mid-TB was not on discord. This makes platoon allocations tricky. He had been told multiple times to join, and why it is necessary. He had a history of limited involvement, and reluctance to follow requests from officers. We have enough IPD to fill platoons, but only just. This guy was one of them. So he has to be messaged separately to “remind” him before every phase that he is required to assign his IPD. This gets done. We need the platoon bonuses in order for some guys to get 4/4 in rounds - we’re not all so strong that regardless we’ll get all missions 4/4 with or without platoons filled. We usually wait on missions until platoons are filled for this very reason (and so that the toons needed for platoons aren’t used in missions). So the entire guild has to wait until they’re filled. The faster they get filled, the more time members have to do missions and deploy on their own time frame. We respect the fact that people are busy (so are we when running TBs!), and we try to give them as much time as possible.
This time, this one IPD was all we were waiting on for full platoons, but we eventually had to get people fighting or we would miss out altogether. Some people didn’t get as far as they otherwise would have. This guy *never* deployed his IPD, so we had 2 wasted platoons of donations, including sacrificed toons that are really needed by some guys - DR, Malak, Badstila - all donated to help the guild at their sacrifice, that got wasted. With his record, that would have been enough for me to kick him mid-TB, but he was given the opportunity to explain what happened (eg he was in hospital). Our guild leader sent him a message in-game.
He declined to accept the in-game chat. When you decline to talk to the guild leader about something - don’t even open the message, and screw your guildies over, guess what? Time for him to leave. Much as we don’t like kicking people, especially those who have toons we need, if they’re not helping with those toons, we don’t lose anything by them not being here.