Some suggestions @EA_Jesse to file with the rest :)
The first part of this was originally posted in mods mega.
Implementation fix: needs increased, consistent, credit supply, match cantina energy recovery to regular energy recovery, add daily 45 cantina energy award.
Execution fix: 80-90% power reduction & lower tiers to start, then increase each every 45-60 days or so, give people time to adapt, adjust, and reprioritize.
If mods are being obtained too quickly, don't lower the drop rate, cap the opportunities to get them, then raise the cap incrementally, as circumstances dictate.
I love the team specific mod challenges but there needs to be an improved balance between farming mods, shards, and gear while being able to compete effectively in raids, GW, and arena. If the expectation is for players to have to sacrifice one thing for another, that's fine, but that expectation needs to be better communicated prior to changes so players can plan and adapt their rosters, not after the fact.
Mods aren't correctly representing in whatever formula is being used to calculate GW opponents. With minimal changes to any single character and on only 2/5 to my top team node 11 was the same as yesterday except now it was fully t5 level 15 modded, defeating it yesterday was planning and a little strategy. Defeating it today wasn't an option. If that's intentional, I would love to discuss it with you, if it wasn't, well, it's broken.
Speaking of GW... well, I'll leave that for another thread but my posts are somewhere in that 2.2k set of posts. But as a spoiler they involve using current-roster-state algorithm to generate each successive node's opponent.