Forum Discussion

Pan2218's avatar
3 years ago

Mods Challenges update please

These challenges mainly give grey mods that are unneeded or 3 & 4 dot mods. With all of these toons & the need for strong, fast mods. It is challenging to farm them. The ones in the store are often a bust also.
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    "biglippedbeast;c-2333760" wrote:
    Hire more devs

    Hey, they only have 3 computers. As it is right now they have a tough enough time getting hours in on one of those. More devs would just make it worse.
  • Did you guys read what Doja mentioned above & this topic got the dev tag. I'm excited to see that they are paying attention & that maybe some relief is in store for the future of modding.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2335156" wrote:
    "Pan2218;c-2335148" wrote:
    Did you guys read what Doja mentioned above & this topic got the dev tag. I'm excited to see that they are paying attention & that maybe some relief is in store for the future of modding.

    I’m excited too - though with a caveat…

    If they simply replace 3/4 dot mods in the reward pool with a higher chance of grey 5 dot mods, this would barely qualify as an improvement for me.

    If they took the % chance of a 3/4 dot mod and distributed it amongst all of the other possible colours of 5 dot mods, that would be much better than it is just now.

    Yes, a plan like this could definitely help. It would be better than what we are seeing as Payout rn. But I hope that there is a larger plan for how we farm mods. Something better to ease the amount of wasted resources & duration of mat farms. More access to 6 dot+ mats. But your right a better distribution of 5dot A-E would help.

  • I'm glad that I'm not the only one that remembered them saying that. It was when they changed the name from GA to GAC & there was some sort of update to it