Forum Discussion

BTHR7's avatar
7 years ago

Mods that make no sense!

I would love it if someone would explain to me what's the purpose of a speed arrow that has anything other than speed primary. A critical damage triagle with anything other than critical damage primary. A potency cross with anything other than potency primary.

Other than wasting resources I seriously doubt that anyone who wants to mod for speed would have any use for a non speed arrow. Or anyone who wants to mod for critical damage why would they want a non crit damage triagle? And why would you mod for potency if not for the awesome 24% of the cross primary?

To me it seems almost disrespectful to give us anything other that those primaries, that's like saying, there you go, enjoy your trash mod that will only hinder your performance if you use it. They might as well not exist.

I would gladly accept a lower drop rate of triangles, arrows and crosses if it meant that we only get the corresponding primary for these particular mod types. Or at least you should disproportionately increase the rates of which these primaries show for the corresponding mod types because there is literaly no point in using one of these mod types without these primaries, these mods are as good as garbage.

I'm sure most of you agree with me

EDIT: Just to make things clear cause alot of people have not understood this.

I AM NOT saying that all arrows should have speed primary and that all triangles should have crit damage and all crosses should have potency.

I am talking about the specific types, for example a SPEED ARROW not having speed as it's primary. A CRITICAL DAMAGE triagle not having CD primary and a POTENCY CROSS that has no potency primary.

Obviously not every character benefits from speed, potency and CD. That's why you wouldn't give them a speed, potency, cd SET in the first place.