Forum Discussion

zeratul021's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

NS Zombie and Deathmark

Hi guys,

in the latest update thread, there is a bugfix mentioned:

Fixed an issue that allowed Nightsister's (excluding Zombie) to be Revived by Mother Talzin’s “The Great Mother” if they were defeated with Deathmark active

Can somebody clarify how this mechanic was working and how it is supposed to work after fix?
I thought zombie revives (can't be prevented) all the time and has to be the last man standing before finally dying out.

  • "vksg;c-1608321" wrote:
    "3pourr2;c-1608223" wrote:
    Really??? Are you sure?

    Obviously @CptCheez should be sure.
    As you marked it, SB_Crumb was making a comparison to raids (using it as analogy). So it would make absolutely no sense if he was talking about raids in the first place.

    So why did crumb use a picture of the raid description,not mention Dt at all and say in raids?
  • "Syrup_Chugger3;c-1607243" wrote:
    So, I'm confused. Because i was under the impression, from GC videos, where they explained it and probably some old post here (don't which because they were months and months old) that the ability terminate itself prevented the revive, not the death mark. Essentially the same thing as boba fetts execute. So why Change it now?
    If it is the debuff preventing the revive then the in game description should be updated to reflect this: "targets defeated by terminate can't be revived" to "targets defeated with death mark can't be revived"

    This. If you kill Boba with Terminate he wont revive. If you apply Deathmark with Terminate but cant kill him directly he revives. I never got an answer to this in the EA forums when I was asking whether this was intended. I still have the videos. But I have to add that I did not check the mechanics in months.

    For NS the update seems to implement a new mechanic. Lets see how this works with Jedi and Jolee. Maybe he can revive Jedi that were deathmarked and died.
  • "3pourr2;c-1608535" wrote:
    "vksg;c-1608321" wrote:
    "3pourr2;c-1608223" wrote:
    Really??? Are you sure?

    Obviously @CptCheez should be sure.
    As you marked it, SB_Crumb was making a comparison to raids (using it as analogy). So it would make absolutely no sense if he was talking about raids in the first place.

    So why did crumb use a picture of the raid description,not mention Dt at all and say in raids?

    I will give it one last try :)
    "CG_SBCrumb;c-1607910" wrote:
    Hi folks,
    I've got an update: Deathmark's ability description is a bit incomplete compared to how it was described originally in raids. We need to update the ability description to show it prevents revives as seen below. The patch fixed the Nightsisters (besides Zombie) being able to revive even if deathmarked.


    • Deathmarks ability description on Death Trooper > Terminate is wrong
    • SBCrumb clearly states, that deathmark already does (CG/developer opinion) and should prevent revives
    • The description will be fixed to be consistent with the definition of deathmark in raids

    At least that is the official statement.

    My personal opinion differs indeed.
    Seems not only a description bug. They are most likely interfering with existing game mechanics.
    My reasoning: Just saying deathmark prevents the revive instead of terminate/kill does not work. Deathmark only applies if there is at least one defeated enemy. So if you terminate the first enemy, no deathmark would be applied before him dying. Should the enemy be able to revive? Most likely not!
    Thus it cannot be an either-or decision between deathmark and termination being responsible for revival prevention. It would be both. It seems not to be working that way consistently ingame..

  • And DTs terminate text did not change

    But the raid description posted by crumb did. Meaning it doesn’t effect DTs death mark only the death mark in raids( the piggies)
  • "GhostTruckin;c-1608338" wrote:
    So how come sion will randomly revive if killed while deathmarked then? Is that another glitch that they haven’t fixed yet?

    Same with Boba. Sure SRP does too if also buffed
  • "vksg;c-1608631" wrote:
    "3pourr2;c-1608535" wrote:
    "vksg;c-1608321" wrote:
    "3pourr2;c-1608223" wrote:
    Really??? Are you sure?

    Obviously @CptCheez should be sure.
    As you marked it, SB_Crumb was making a comparison to raids (using it as analogy). So it would make absolutely no sense if he was talking about raids in the first place.

    So why did crumb use a picture of the raid description,not mention Dt at all and say in raids?

    I will give it one last try :)
    "CG_SBCrumb;c-1607910" wrote:
    Hi folks,
    I've got an update: Deathmark's ability description is a bit incomplete compared to how it was described originally in raids. We need to update the ability description to show it prevents revives as seen below. The patch fixed the Nightsisters (besides Zombie) being able to revive even if deathmarked.


    • Deathmarks ability description on Death Trooper > Terminate is wrong
    • SBCrumb clearly states, that deathmark already does (CG/developer opinion) and should prevent revives
    • The description will be fixed to be consistent with the definition of deathmark in raids

    At least that is the official statement.

    My personal opinion differs indeed.
    Seems not only a description bug. They are most likely interfering with existing game mechanics.
    My reasoning: Just saying deathmark prevents the revive instead of terminate/kill does not work. Deathmark only applies if there is at least one defeated enemy. So if you terminate the first enemy, no deathmark would be applied before him dying. Should the enemy be able to revive? Most likely not!
    Thus it cannot be an either-or decision between deathmark and termination being responsible for revival prevention. It would be both. It seems not to be working that way consistently ingame..


    Besides, the update notes are about Deathmarks we suffer from Raid bosses imho.
  • "ChristophIV;c-1608812" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1608338" wrote:
    So how come sion will randomly revive if killed while deathmarked then? Is that another glitch that they haven’t fixed yet?

    Same with Boba. Sure SRP does too if also buffed

    Except it’s random, I’ll Dm sion, sometimes he revives, sometimes not, and he had held with hatred up. Seems off that he can revive , As for boba, mine always stayed dead it executed lol, didn’t matter if he had Bh resolve