Forum Discussion

spnyc's avatar
8 years ago

Open letter about Zetas

I am writing this as a warning. I know I am only one person and you probably won't care. I've been playing since November 2015 as a pay to play player who spends several hundred dollars a month so I hope you listen.

You need to fix your Zeta system or I will be leaving the game and assume that many more will as well over time.

I spend money on this game buying shards and gear and mods and ship materials and so on. I play every single day, many many times a day, to maximize my position in the game. So I do everything I am supposed to according to your game design and business model, yet I am falling further and further behind because of zetas.

I did what I was supposed to and completed all the ship requirements and challenges to enable the challenge that rewards zetas. Even with that I haven't seen a zeta in weeks. I can't buy them with dollars and the only other way to get them is through the ship store which I am currently stuck farming ships to stay current in that aspect of the game. If I stop that I will drop rank in ship arena and then earn fewer fleet arena tokens allowing me to buy fewer and fewer zetas. See how is also a long term losing proposition? I know, I know, I could spend on maxing out my ships right away and shift focus but as I said, my budget is several hundred a month and not several thousand.

So in a nutshell you introduced an element to this game which is proving to be absolutely critical and yet you leave it to chance?

I've had a bad run of luck which has set me back pretty drastically. If that doesn't change I will be so far down the wrong direction and so far back that I will abandon this game.

A fundamental tenet of game design for games like this is that you blend skill with chance because when you leave it entirely to chance, games implode, people leave and the game dies. If I wanted to spend hundreds of dollars a month on a pure chance game I'd go play slots.

Good night and good luck.