Forum Discussion

Javick_Starage's avatar
6 years ago

Possibly g12 murder bears for c3po..

Really cg... really?

There are so many other factions I’d rather farm. They’re also all really hard farms for toons which suck.

At least bounty hunters are actually useful in the game.

  • "Ultra;c-1712302" wrote:
    1. It makes sense
    2. They are a good faction. You don’t like it but plenty others do and this game tries to cater everyone. You can skip out on C3PO if you don’t like it
    3. They’ve also been out for 2 years and should be available in bundle packs
    4. BH got chewbacca doesn’t make sense for them to get C3PO too

    Original poster is right farming up another meh faction just so people panic buy bundles.
    I have mine all at 7 stars and I hate this idea.
    I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying they should use BH, he was just pointing out that they aren't a useless faction, and CG didn't have to pick such a one off faction. Droids could have been an option.
    Although at least it wasn't jawas.
  • "BrtStlnd;c-1712342" wrote:
    "TVF;c-1712332" wrote:
    "kevsmart;c-1712327" wrote:
    "dogwelder79;c-1712321" wrote:
    "ChristophIV;c-1712304" wrote:
    Who has said gear 12?

    CG warned about the difficulty. Last time they did was with the Chewie event. So g12 for 7* is very probable.

    For Chewie they said "very difficult." For this one it says "difficult" as they have had for other events. You won't need G12.

    Maybe. Communication is not a strong suit here. Parsing a single word like "very" is dangerous.

    With that said, Chewie was doable for me with a mix of G11 and G12. We'll see.

    Personally, I think they chose the wording regarding the difficulty very carefully knowing that we would dissect the announcement like we were interpreting the Rosetta Stone.

    Chewy said “very difficult” this one says “difficult”. They do use these same descriptions in events as well to signify the difference between tiers.

    I could be wrong though.

    I'm not sure they do anything really carefully, least of communicate.
  • "Ultra;c-1712302" wrote:
    1. It makes sense
    2. They are a good faction. You don’t like it but plenty others do and this game tries to cater everyone. You can skip out on C3PO if you don’t like it
    3. They’ve also been out for 2 years and should be available in bundle packs
    4. BH got chewbacca doesn’t make sense for them to get C3PO too

    1. It does, troopers would make more sense
    2. They are NOT a good faction. Seen a lot of TW carebear walls? Nope, thought not.
    3. They sucked 2 years ago, they suck now. Why would anyone farm them.
    4. Never asked for BH to unlock C3P0
  • Everyone points to the "gear requirement" for chewie but wasnt Revan doable at a lower gear tier? I ask cause I didnt get him last go. Also did chewies event at g12 boba g10 dengar, greedo, zam, cad and a lot of rng
  • "MilMuertes;c-1712750" wrote:
    Everyone points to the "gear requirement" for chewie but wasnt Revan doable at a lower gear tier? I ask cause I didnt get him last go. Also did chewies event at g12 boba g10 dengar, greedo, zam, cad and a lot of rng

    Revan is a different animal. Recently released toons on a super short farming window. BH and Ewoks have been farmable for a long time so it seems they decided to up the gear requirements to compensate.
  • "John_Matrix1985;c-1712769" wrote:
    G11 with your best available mods should be fine with RNG and zeta in chirpa

    That’s still a lot of shards and gear that Could be better spent elsewhere:

    Bounty Hunters
    Imperial Troopers

    I’d rather farm any of the above (and a lot of others) before being forced to farm the Care Bears.

    It’s worse because I suspect Jedi Luke will require C3P0
  • Everyone has farmed things they don't want to farm and everyone has geared things they didn't want to gear.

    If you don't want to then don't, or save it for later after you've farmed what you want.
  • Do you think the red eyes on 3PO in crumbs clue signify the importance of logray in this event? He is the only red eyed Ewok....
  • Even Chewie didnt require all to be g12. I have a 7* Chewie and only had two at g12, Bossk and Boba. The other three were IG88, Cad, and Dengar and their gear was 10, 10, and 9 respectively.

    It did take a lot of tries to get the rng and I'm leaning towards saying Dengar was required because his unique, Grizzled Vet, nulls the R2s smoke screen as long as Dengar was stealthed before R2s turn... hence the retries for good rng and turns.

    I know this isnt a Chewie event post but i said all that to say gear level isnt set in stone but rather, when the event comes out pay attention to which toon helps and what strategy will help you based on who you have ready.

    Im thinking gear 10 and above should be able even it takes multiple tries for good rng.