Forum Discussion

Dracksono's avatar
8 years ago

Preparing for Emperor's Demise

We got mail saying that Emperor's Demise is returning , but I've forgotten what type of people we need to complete this event. Was it Rebels that we needed?
  • "mike208;817842" wrote:
    Is the emporer's demise bundle worth it? I started a new account a few weeks ago, currently low 50's with a decent Lando led Rebel/Scoundrel team. I was only able to get through 4 star emporer's demise with what I have now, Lando 6 stars, STH currently 4, but will be 5 tomorrow, I think I can get Scarif Rebel Pathfinder to 5 before the event ends. Other than them, I have Ackbar at 4, need 65 shards to get him to 5 it will be tight getting him 65 before it ends but I think I can do it. That leaves me with a 3 star luke and need 30 shards to get him to 4. I don't see getting him to 5 before it ends. The bundle may help me get him there, but even with it I'm not sure.

    So for the bundle, it seems to be one the better ones(as "better" as a bundle can be). The credits and crystal are obviously useful, the STH shards will put him over 5 stars and means I can spend one more redeem on Ackbar instead of him. Leia's shards won't help me for the event since I need to farm Ackbar from arena store, but she is someone I would want later on so they won't go to waste. as I said, lukes shards probably won't help me get him to 5 before the event ends. So that leaves the Hoth boys. At 50 shards a piece, do they unlock at 4 stars? Not sure If I can get another 65 for scout to get him to 5 before it ends. So that being said if it won't help me get Palp now, then probably not worth it. What do you think?

    NO. I was in the same boat as you in August, I was a new player and when Emperor's Demise started, I bought the pack which was really useless. I couldn't even unlock Emperor.

    Your best best is to work on your Rebels until the next event. I had 3 months to farm Leia, Ackbar, STHan, Wedge and Biggs.

    Since you already have Lando, get him to 7 Stars. Farm GCW's Biggs. If you can farm STHan first from the arena, then do that first. You definitely a high gear STHan. Mine was gear 10 but I think 9 should suffice.

    I managed to unlock 7* Emperor doing this. Be patient. I did and it really paid off.