I understand pacing I do. But im sorry pacing is not requiring 300 pieces of gear for 1 toon not 4 or 5 but just 1 toon.if you times that by even half the toons in the game that comes out somewhere around 4500+ for 15 characters. That is beyond grind or pace that isnt even marathon that is a paywall plain and simple. Sure I can spend months grinding out that gear for 1 of my team but what about the 4 others. That means im going to spend a year grinding out for a team that might likely become obsolete due changes in gameplay. That is no way fair for the players and players havent gotten tons of refunds based off this.
Apple has already started stepping in with the games they let in their store to make sure stuff isnt made impossible. Google is starting to follow suit. Clash of Clans was the number 1 game on the store and the top grossing game for the longest time and you didnt have to spend 1 penny to get to end game. Yet they made more money SWGOH could hope for. So the example is there if you allow people to progress and not hamstring they usually spend alot more money then when they feel forced.
The only glaring things wrong atm the moment is the ridiculous gear requirements and possibly regular LS characters barely even being able to compete.