Forum Discussion

olddumper's avatar
10 months ago

Replace a round of 3 vs 3 with this.

3 vs 3 is substantially worse than 5 vs 5 and although I have come to terms with 3 vs 3 I think many would like to see its role diminished. I would suggest a new form of GAC with a new map call Big 3. This would replace every other round of 3 vs 3.

The map would have 3 zones all on the front line each allowing for one 5-man squad defense to be set for defense. Similar to ROTE one zone would be dark side, one zone would be neutral and one would be light side. On defense, only dark side characters can be set in the dark side zone and only light side characters can be set in the light side zone. For your attacks it would be flipped, you would have to attack your opponents dark side defense with light side characters. You get unlimited attacks per zone but the defense scores points for each attack they resist.

In each zone the defense would get environmental bonuses to make them more formidable to resist attacks. Proposed bonuses below but CG should toon according to testing.

Dark Side: Each character gains 10% offense, 10% crit damage, and 10% potency for each relic level.

Neutral: Each character gains 10 speed, 10% max protection and 10% offense for each relic level.

Light Side: Each character gains 10% defense, 10% health, and 10% tenacity for each relic level.

Tying the bonuses to relics will reward players for building up relic levels rewarding quality over quantity, something that has been missing since rewards moved out of arena. 3 vs 3 Omnis could proc an environmental bonus instead of their typical functionality if they need balancing but honestly you could probably just let them apply to all 5 toons without any repercussions. You could incorporate ships as a back zone but honestly people probably would miss ships. This would represent a return back to what arena used to be where having the best squad was important not having the best squads, while acknowledging the game has progressed and you would need multiple defenses with buffs to make the game mode more enjoyable.
  • If you want to make it a new 5v5 mode, you would be better off replacing 5v5 gacs. Just because you do not like something doesn't mean that others feel that way as well.

    There are a million places in the game you can do 5v5 fights, leave our one 3v3 mode alone.
  • 3v3 is great. Get to try different team comps and more characters are viable. B)
  • "Nagz;c-2453512" wrote:
    If CG weren't cowards they would make a in-game choice where people would vote on wether they want the 3v3 or 5v5.
    After, i dunno, 2 weeks the loser would be excluded for a year of GAC.

    Let the people decide and then suffer the consequences of democracy in action.

    Yeah, make a purge of all the people who think different than the majority. That is the perfect definition of democracy, right?
  • "Nagz;c-2453512" wrote:
    If CG weren't cowards they would make a in-game choice where people would vote on wether they want the 3v3 or 5v5.
    After, i dunno, 2 weeks the loser would be excluded for a year of GAC.

    Let the people decide and then suffer the consequences of democracy in action.

    Or just let people pick each round if they personally want to do 5 vs 5 or 3 vs 3. I would honestly never play a round of 3 vs 3 again.
  • "Olddumper;c-2453534" wrote:
    "Nagz;c-2453512" wrote:
    If CG weren't cowards they would make a in-game choice where people would vote on wether they want the 3v3 or 5v5.
    After, i dunno, 2 weeks the loser would be excluded for a year of GAC.

    Let the people decide and then suffer the consequences of democracy in action.

    Or just let people pick each round if they personally want to do 5 vs 5 or 3 vs 3. I would honestly never play a round of 3 vs 3 again.

    You already get to choose if you do it or not, no different than choosing to do fleet arena, TB, or TW. Time to accept that GAC is a game mode that will always include 3v3 and 5v5.
  • "herd_nerfer;c-2452958" wrote:
    I wouldn't hate it if something besides datacrons would shake up GAC a bit. There are people that like 3v3. I'm not one of them - but 3v3 has been here long enough that it has a following and doing this would generate a lot of anger from those people. As much as I'd like to see 3v3 get deleted from the game or at least diminished in importance, I don't think it would be fair.

    For now I'm content to see 3v3 as my 'off season' and only engage with it when I'm exceptionally bored. To my opponents last round that scouted me and expected I wouldn't do anything in 3v3... I'm as surprised as you are.

    Yeah I guess some of these suggestions could just be overlayed the current maps as well.

    I think those that like 3 vs 3 just have Stockholm syndrome with CG at this point and if they rolled this out they would defend it as a good choice but if somebody that is not CG suggests it they would just defend CG’s current decisions. To me 3 vs 3 was never intended to be a thing and in order to make it function properly it would take years of introducing new characters and rebalancing things.
  • "LordDirt;c-2452973" wrote:
    "Olddumper;d-267597" wrote:
    3 vs 3 is substantially worse than 5 vs 5

    Please dont speak for me or others

    Let’s start from some data about 82% of users prefer 5 vs 5.
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    I don't mind 3v3, it's the datacrons they've made us rent that are built for 5v5 teams that make some characters virtually impossible to clear without multiple shots, or a very specific counter team with counter datacron.

    Maybe meathead should do a poll to see if doing 3v3 every third GAC would improve the GAC mood?
  • I dislike 3v3 so count me in w/ supporting reddit data.

    That said, while I don't think the idea of 1-team defense is a great one, I sort of like the idea of classifying a zone by faction.

    Would be interesting to see a zone that didn't have Jabba, LV, JMK, & Rey all forming a wall of GLs.

    It might also be interesting to "blend" the teams instead of rotating the event, so something like 5v5 in the front & 3v3 in the back zone which is faction mixed.

    Actually the more I think about it........

    4 Zones:
    LS 5v5
    DS 5v5
    Mixed 3v3

    And then "Randomize" the placement for each GAC.

    LS & Fleet up front one time... DS & 3v3 as a top back/front another, etc etc.

    Not sure how much the coding would need to change to account for the Blend & the Rotation, but, it would make things more interesting each month IMO.

  • "Jimster1;c-2453206" wrote:
    How about a hybrid instead of 5v5 and 3v3 maybe one sector is 3v3 whilst the other is 5v5. It'll help people fill spots with teams as 3v3 usually does but still have 5v5. The one thing I like about 3v3 is I feel I have more toons to use, where in 5v5 I have to either put a weaker defense or go in with a weaker offense. In 3v3 there's more teams but I usually have like one or two teams short of what a I need rather than 3 or 4.

    This would actually be another fun shake up.