9 years ago
Scoundrel Squad
I am at level 73 and for Credit heist I need to update my team to beat the challenge. My roster is as follows.
7* Boba lv.62
6* Lando lv.58
6* Chewy lv.58
5* IG-88 lv.58
4* Gam Guard lv.58
2* Greedo
1* Cad bane
I dont have any shards towards any others (I know STH should be farmed I just got on the forums late). I am actively working on IG and Lando. I guess I'm wondering if I should put Guild Currency into Gam. Guard or if i will be fine passing the challenge if I level up Boba, Lando, and IG-88 to about 70 since they are the only Scoundrel toons I actually use for other stuff.
7* Boba lv.62
6* Lando lv.58
6* Chewy lv.58
5* IG-88 lv.58
4* Gam Guard lv.58
2* Greedo
1* Cad bane
I dont have any shards towards any others (I know STH should be farmed I just got on the forums late). I am actively working on IG and Lando. I guess I'm wondering if I should put Guild Currency into Gam. Guard or if i will be fine passing the challenge if I level up Boba, Lando, and IG-88 to about 70 since they are the only Scoundrel toons I actually use for other stuff.