I’ve been considering the same thing. I have taken a ton of breaks as well and considered a restart to get ahead in arena. However one thing that I saw in Ahnald’s video is that you can get somewhat top end but eventually the whales will overtake you. As an example Ahnald started that p2p account and got JKR by spending 400$ (his words) and he is in #2 position in arena. In a very young shard whales are already emerging and with time more will come up and put you in a similar position that you are in now.
My opinion is this: if you have under 1.25Mio GP and you act is 2 years or older then restart. If your like me, I have a 1.6Mio GP and a Shard from 2015 Nov. I have next to no chance of getting in top end arena however I have a CLS and every other legendary char released before JTRey. So I have good characters for GAC and some special TB platoons. The restart will be worth it if you can get top end but it’s gonna cost a lot of money or you won’t get the free crystals