Forum Discussion

joemads's avatar
4 years ago

Sith or Jedi in SWGOH

Which do you guys prefer? Full rosters, Jedi or Sith

16 Replies

  • adamja's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    4 years ago
    my answer is less emotional, rather rational. since I have limited resources and I started the game with light side focus (that was good back then) I stayed with jedi lol. even if I wanted I can't bring up sith to the level of my jedi. same reason I will never get slkr, so I saved up for jml farm
  • At the moment, Jedis are, by far the strongest. I don’t know if it’s possible to beat a jedi all-star team with slkr or Palpatine. Seems unlikely, the top 50 in my shard is entirely blue under rank 30 then we can find some sith and 1st order GL teams. The match-ups against Jedis are just completely one-sided, it’s really hard to put a dent in their health bar. Sure SLKR is a great toon on its own but it lacks support and any match quickly ends up in 1 vs 5.
  • "RTS;c-2226339" wrote:
    "Globuhl;c-2226179" wrote:
    At the moment, Jedis are, by far the strongest. I don’t know if it’s possible to beat a jedi all-star team with slkr or Palpatine. Seems unlikely, the top 50 in my shard is entirely blue under rank 30 then we can find some sith and 1st order GL teams. The match-ups against Jedis are just completely one-sided, it’s really hard to put a dent in their health bar. Sure SLKR is a great toon on its own but it lacks support and any match quickly ends up in 1 vs 5.

    SEE beats all the Jedi lineups iirc

    This is correct. I do think Jedi are in a better place overall but SEE is about as hard a counter as we have ever seen. Most if not all of SEE's squad will die but SEE's ultimate and then shock just melts jedi. Guaranteed win.

    Edit* this is SEE on offence. Jedi might wreck SEE when they are attacking.
  • "Sithlords_Inc;c-2224450" wrote:
    "Ultra;c-2224350" wrote:
    "AlexanderG;c-2224201" wrote:
    I'd say Jedi are in a better place. JML is the arena meta and us supported by some other powerhouse Jedi; GAS, JKL and JKR. Sith are lacking a bit and while SEE can beat everything, his leadership is meh and overall synergy with Sith isn't great.

    JML / GAS / JKR / JKL vs SEE / Vader / Darth Revan / BSF

    People really love attackers because they demolish teams, but BSF, Traya, Malak are pretty great toons too

    Jedi also have strong support toons (BSF, Jolee, GMY etc)

    Both sides have good toons imo

    Think the problem with Malak is that GLs are the meta defining characters these days, which means every meta toon will be immune to fear and % health dmg. Rey pretty much renders him useless with her 300k nuke as well. Meanwhile GAS %health eduction and cooldown increase remains as usefull as ever. Vader has the offensive capabilities to compete with GAS and JKL but lack their survivability to make him comparable on defense.
    Think worth remembering is that Jedi makes eachother stronger as well, meaning while Sith might have characters comparable in strenght to those of the jedi, when you actually group them up Jedi will be stronger than the sum of their parts whereas sith wont. Take Hyodas Masters training or JKLs Jedis will for example, which can turn already powerfull attackers like GAS into a one man demolition crew, or characters like JML who has decent dmg into a weapon of mass destruction. Meanwhile sith are pretty much designed not to work with eachother, like Revan only buffing sith empire while also revolving around self inflicting debuffs, which Traya will turn into self dmg, or fear which is the trademark of the Sith Empire harming SEEs ult and mastery gain.

    Great points