Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Rising Veteran
4 years ago

Squads without Attackers

For Sector4/Hard there's a feat for winning 10 battles with no attackers.

I have no problem with killing just about anything in Conquest so far with my Imperial Troopers, and they thrive with no attackers. (Might get hard against certain factions or kits on Sector 4, but like I said: so far they blast everything I've used them against, and I can use them against most enemies.)

But it takes 5 hours to generate 1 battle of stamina & only 3 hours to regenerate 1 battle of energy, so I need a 2nd squad with no attackers. I could probably figure this out on my own, but I know that there are a lot of smart players out there who have probably already found other great non-attacker teams, so I thought I would start a thread & let everyone add their favorites.
  • KAM + Barriss lead + more healers + that offense-for-healers disk is completely monstrous.
  • "MasterSeedy;c-2240699" wrote:
    KAM + Barriss lead + more healers + that offense-for-healers disk is completely monstrous.

    Oh KAM the mythical character most won’t see til 2023 ;)

  • "MasterSeedy;c-2263710" wrote:
    Bump. It's about that time.

    Jml lead hyoda gmy Jolee basti works well
  • @MikKro

    I like Gideon with that one to get the first move, but if you can't get Gideon fast enough, Brood Alpha can suck up some early attacks & give the Imps the chance to get going.

    It probably doesn't matter if your Imps are all relic'd, but I only have Piett relic'd. Starck is actually still g10 and things go badly if I don't protect him by either making the first move or putting in an auto taunt.
  • I know that I'm lucky to be in the guild I'm in with our level of KAM readiness. Most people attempt the mission and the win rate is about 60%, for a total of 22 shards last time. We still have a ways to go to boost our completion percent over 80 and to boost our attempt % up to about 90 (or better, if we can manage it), so there's lots of growth to come, but even 22 is a decent amount. With no growth at all, I'm 7 months away. But I think that there will be growth, and I'm projecting 5 months.

    To get it down to 4 months, though, would require averaging 36.5 shards, and I don't think we can manage that. We might end up at 37 shards the month that I get KAM to 7* but we can't average that, so 5 months it is.

    So I'll get KAM a month after CAT, and we'll see where my conquest performance goes at that point. I'll probably still have mild struggles with Sith since mine are terrible, but hopefully bosses will get easier & easier as I pick up more GLs + KAM + CAT.
  • @Ltswb1
    I’ve had zero NS teams show up through 4 phases. One of my guildies said he had 1 through all 5 phases. I feel like they’ve limited them because they are so good at helping with feats.

    It's random. I had only one show up through 3 phases (just a couple teams into Sector1 at the very beginning), but then in phase 4, just when I really needed one for the "marked" feat, an NS squad showed up.

    They're definitely around. You're just having bad luck.