Here's the main issue I'm having, and why I'm on the verge of quitting. I'm not going to because I want to see what The Mandalorian and Episode 9 brings to the game, but if neither of those delivers, my future here is bleak.
CG have spread resources too thin. I can't farm for Arena, GAC, TW, Hoth TB and HSTR all at once. I no longer feel like I'm progressing because there's no way I can possibly keep up without spending money. And not progressing is the reason I've quit similar games. Grinding gear... IS. NOT. FUN. Relics are not NEW content, it's just stuff that makes existing content more expensive.
If The Mandalorian and IG-11 and Fallen Rey and Lando's daughter(?) and Red-eyed 3PO and Force Ghost Luke and Kylo's Rotting Corpse are as bland and boring as the Solo content was... I think my Guild is going to lose its leader.