Forum Discussion

DarkObi2015's avatar
5 years ago

Technical Problems

Hello there,
Here is a short feedback from me and my problem, unfortunately I don't get any feedback from EA/CG for weeks. Whereby this can't be that bad, you can easily solve it in your home office...
There is no thank you now, because I have been trying to help myself for weeks!
This is my problem:
I had to buy a new phone to play with. I clicked on Settings and Connect in the game and finished the steps, including Facebook.
In the new phone I clicked on Settings in the game, but there is no Connect Button under Settings...
I will try to help myself further..
  • Did you set up the new game on the new device with the correct age? Minor accounts dont have the connection option.
  • I think my phone already knows that I am Ü30 or is there a new setting that I do not know about?
  • I believe it is part of the setup for the game, when you are creating the new account.
  • I don't remember that. I have now deleted the game and reset google play, but it does not work. Is there any other way to start from Beginning on the new device and get into the game settings?
  • You would need to do a google search for that, I believe there is a way, but I do not know what it is.