Forum Discussion

alepalermo79's avatar
7 years ago

Thank you for destroying fun in fleet arena

First of all we must not forget how ships 2.0 gave so much power to RNG... worse than before.
But now.... Hound's Tooth.... some people spent as usual crazy amount of money to have it at 7 stars.... and there is no way to make its taunt disappear nor to destroy it (yes, Chimaera's ultimate... but it will never come...).
You were not still satisfied by the horrible and totally illogic Geonosian meta.... at least it is FTP....
  • I love ships now. I am always passively working on all my crew members now. There are so many fun combos out there to try.
  • Use Vader and Tie Pilot. Target lock then hit it with TP's special. Bye Bye Hound's Tooth.

    Not saying it's not an OP ship. It is. But it's beatable.
  • RNG is definitely not worse than before. It’s just the same. It’s just harder to come back from some poor RNG at the start of the battle with only 3 ships. As for HT, there are numerous ways to get rid of it’s taunt. It also can be killed without an ultimate. You might need to adjust your lineup when facing a HT. The Tie Silencer can OHKO it with offense up and advantage.
  • tward930's avatar
    New Spectator
    "AleSahnDroh_1979;d-183003" wrote:
    First of all we must not forget how ships 2.0 gave so much power to RNG... worse than before.
    But now.... Hound's Tooth.... some people spent as usual crazy amount of money to have it at 7 stars.... and there is no way to make its taunt disappear nor to destroy it (yes, Chimaera's ultimate... but it will never come...).
    You were not still satisfied by the horrible and totally illogic Geonosian meta.... at least it is FTP....

    So you dont like ships 2.0? Your argument starts with "First" but there is no Second or Third. Also you make statement slamming geo meta, but praise it as FTP. Not sure what your real argument here is. Hounds tooth coats money, geos are free grrr I hate them both.
  • "Monel;c-1652827" wrote:
    "AleSahnDroh_1979;d-183003" wrote:
    First of all we must not forget how ships 2.0 gave so much power to RNG... worse than before.
    But now.... Hound's Tooth.... some people spent as usual crazy amount of money to have it at 7 stars.... and there is no way to make its taunt disappear nor to destroy it (yes, Chimaera's ultimate... but it will never come...).
    You were not still satisfied by the horrible and totally illogic Geonosian meta.... at least it is FTP....

    So you dont like ships 2.0? Your argument starts with "First" but there is no Second or Third. Also you make statement slamming geo meta, but praise it as FTP. Not sure what your real argument here is. Hounds tooth coats money, geos are free grrr I hate them both.

    Geonosians are useless other than fleet. Bossk is useful but his ship is whale content and op. According to him i.e. Easy to read between the lines if you pay attention. ;D

    Meh, 2.0 is bad. New ships just make it worse. Befriend your shards' whales and live a peaceful life. ;D
  • I'm sorry but 7* whaled HT's are basically immortal to anyone.

    Whales SHOULD get a major advantage in whaling... but immortality ruins it