7 years ago
Thank you for destroying fun in fleet arena
First of all we must not forget how ships 2.0 gave so much power to RNG... worse than before.
But now.... Hound's Tooth.... some people spent as usual crazy amount of money to have it at 7 stars.... and there is no way to make its taunt disappear nor to destroy it (yes, Chimaera's ultimate... but it will never come...).
You were not still satisfied by the horrible and totally illogic Geonosian meta.... at least it is FTP....
But now.... Hound's Tooth.... some people spent as usual crazy amount of money to have it at 7 stars.... and there is no way to make its taunt disappear nor to destroy it (yes, Chimaera's ultimate... but it will never come...).
You were not still satisfied by the horrible and totally illogic Geonosian meta.... at least it is FTP....