Forum Discussion

UltimateSeaDog's avatar
8 years ago

The Failings Of Phoenix and Imperial Troopers, and lessons to learn from this


Phoenix Squadron has amazing synergy and high defensive abilties, with Counter, Daze, Stun, Heal and Protection Recovery, Protection Up and of course a self-revive. However, owing to the large amount of high dps/debuffers and triple cleanse setups in this game, Phoenix fails miserably everywhere and has near-zero viability outside of ships. This is an analysis of the failings of Phpenix.

1. Hera Syndulla

With a basic that exposes the healthiest enemy and a self-revive, Hera is quite a decent character, but in actuality a toned-down Cassian Andor. IMO, she should be able to Expose all enemies and make it unresistable (omega), and her Backup Plan should also be a team cleanse.

2. Kanan Jarrus

A defensive Jedi tank, kanan is just GK but without all his good points. Protection Up and a single target cleanse is just too underwhelming. He should at least have a rex-style cleanse, and his Total Defense should grant Tenacity Up.

3. Garazeb Orrelios

A non-taunting Tank with a Daze on basic, Zeb is even more underwhelming than Kanan. His Basic is fine, but he should Taunt from Honor Guard and at least his unique should be able to cleanse at the start of his turn (like a toned down Perseverance)

4. Chopper

Chopper, being a daily login toon, is quite decent amongst the Phoenix squad. His Metal Menace should be able to reverse buffs in addition to dispel like Baze's third ability.

5. Ezra

Surprisingly, Ezra is decent in a non-Phoenix squad, unlike most of Phoenix Squadron. Similar to Aayla, he should be kept as is, but maybe have his unique boosted in a Phoenix squad.

6. Sabine

She needs a slight tweak. her basic omega should be unavoidable and uncounterable, and her special should also grant CC up to all allies with Darksaber Strike.

In general, Phoenix Squadron fails in its lack of DPS. Although the same can be said of triple cleanse, Phoenix needs to be able to cleanse at least as well as Rex + GK for them to be viable.

Empire Faction Pass + Elite Combat

1. Gar Saxon

A decent toon, Gar fails in that Maul can apply Daze on AoE, and that Daze is now a common mechanic. he should have a clause under zeta unique that says "all allies are immune to Daze and have +30% Tenacity" or something.

2. ISC

Utterly and completely terrible, ISC should have his special also reverse buffs in addition to buff Immunity. His attacks should have damage multiplied by 2 too.

3. Imperial Troopers

comparable to Phoenix, once again they fail at the lack of cleansing. Veers zeta leadership should also state that "all allies start battle with Tenacity Up for 3 turns".

In conclusion, like Phoenix Empire toons also need a cleanser, but have enough DPS output. They need another AoE dispel, maybe on Magmatrooper or Snowtrooper.