Allow me to give some feedback and suggestions as well.
"Yoda_the_fast;d-234763" wrote:
Basic - Inquisitor's Blow - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 70% chance to remove 25% of their turn meter. This attack deals +15% damage for each other living Empire ally.
I'm usually not a fan for turn meter removan on basics of characters that counterattack a lot. Because during an enemy's turn, they have 0% Turn meter most of the time (since they just used an ability). However, on this character I don't mind it too much. Because the Phoenix squadron is one of the few teams where that isn't the case. Trough Hera's lead (as well all Ezra's Special and Zeb's Zeta), they have a lot of during turn Turn Meter gain. Creates a nice duality between these characters. But since most character have 0% turn meter during their turn, the 70% chance is much more annoying and detrimental that it might seem. In those cases where he can remove turn meter on a counter, just let him. (P.s. the game uses 'active' for these kinds of effects. Not 'living'.)
Suggestion: "Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove 20% Turn Meter from them. This attack deals 15% more damage for each active Empire ally"
"Yoda_the_fast;d-234763" wrote:
Special - Imperial Attack - Cooldown 4 - Grant all allies Potency Up for 2 turns and Empire allies gain 15% turn meter. Then, call all Empire allies to assist, dealing 20% less damage.
Overall, this is just a nice ability. I will say thou that the empire faction really needs a cleanser, and this ability doesn't do that much for a 4 turn cooldown. Maybe add a cleanse for empire allies?
But even without that, this is a nice ability.
"Yoda_the_fast;d-234763" wrote:
Special - Spinning Blades - Cooldown 3 - Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If no buffs were dispelled, deal damage again. Then, The Grand Inquisitor gains 50% turn meter and Speed Up for 2 turns.
This is where we start to get into problems. Specifically, the turn meter gain. If we include the turn meter gain from the unique, inquisitor can gain 110% Turn meter from this ability (2x30 due to critical hits and 50% from the ability itself). Which is way too much. Emperor Palpatine lead exists as well and even if the inquisitor himself has no debuffs (nice touch there, btw), he can still participate in the train. With his own ridiculous turn meter gain you practically have a infinite loop going on. The speed up on top of this doesn't help either.
There are few things you could do (such as reduce the turn meter gain), but what I'm going to suggest is something different. I suggest this:
'Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs from them. If no buffs where dispelled, attack target enemy again and remove all turn meter from them, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. This attack can't be Countered.'
The reason for this is simple: Kanan Jarus. His zeta allows him to gain Foresight, and then gain 100% Turn Meter when he loses foresight (or the other ally). Obviously, evading the first attack means no buffs where dispelled. So this becomes once again a nice duality between these 2. (Not to mention the ability becomes more balanced overall)
"Yoda_the_fast;d-234763" wrote:
Unique - Dark Agent - The Grand Inquisitor has +100% counter chance and +50% critical damage
I've already mentioned the turn meter train. But another thing that really bothers me is that Critical Damage is mentioned 3 times!!! Why???!!!! I personally already conciser it a problem in the design if a stat is mentioned twice in a kit (except for leads and payouts) so 3 times in the same ability is overkill for me. Add that to the counterattack problem (which is the fact his turn meter train is so high, he totally out speeds enemies and thus almost never gives them a chance to attack him) and you get a pretty broken ability. It's not that difficult to fix thou. You just need to limit the turn meter gain to out of his turn and make the critical damage a single stacking bonus. I suggest this:
'The Grand Inquisitor has +30% Critical Chance, +100% Counter Chance, and gains 15% Turn Meter whenever he attacks out of turn. '
Simple, yet powerful. Especially in multi part battles.
These are my thoughts, feedback, and suggestions to your idea. Overall it's pretty good. I think he would work really well under a Krennic lead actually (since both are very critical Hit heavy). I actually did a rework idea for Krennic quite a while ago. Check it out, if you're interested: up the good work either way.