Forum Discussion

Devian_Ers's avatar
Seasoned Novice
4 years ago

TW faction bonuses? Please, bring them back

It's been awhile since we've had TW faction bonuses. And at that time, it helped in differentiating strategies on defense and offense. It was really fun to have them from time-to-time.
So, can you bring them back? At least 1-2 per quarter?
  • "Mikek;c-2208296" wrote:
    I still dont know why people hated these. At least every tw was different somehow. I hated banning toons but bonuses were just fine.

    Because it's a ton of extra work for officers.
  • and for everyone, with the possibilities of random bugs and or the increased frustration for smaller guilds (boosts a faction but you don't have it? too bad)
  • As someone above said, the original (moderate) boosts to FO and Resistance were ok. The later ones were not.
    The moderate boosts made those factions more useful, and the fact that the boosts lasted awhile made it worth investing some gear into those factions. It also wasn’t that burdensome for tw officers to deal with, since it wasn’t a whole new game each time.
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    The removal of the Resistance and FO faction boosts makes sense when you factor in that the first GLs were Resistance and FO. It'd be pretty crazy if those buffs still existed when GLs were released.

    I'd like to see different TW maps, even if it's just randomizing where the 2 fleet zones are. But I think this game mode has gone the way of GW, and is just not going to change again.
  • how about a different map...or territory bonuses. Just something to freshen this up, it's become so stale.
  • Yes please, and this time they should do it the right way! I never understood why they gave up on the idea completely instead of improving it. The bonuses back then were overdone, of course, and banning certain characters didn't go well with many people. But some well balanced, creative and diversified bonuses would be very welcome!
  • dogwelder79's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    "flux_rono;c-2208258" wrote:
    "Schwubb;c-2208198" wrote:
    I rly liked the banning tw. I dunno why nonody else did... U had to get creative with your Teams and also your counterteams. Tw is kinda boring because you see the same defenses and always use the same counter for it... banning game mode was awesome and u could theorycraft everytime.

    they didnt like not being able to use there super powerful charatcers, or the ones they paid money for

    ...or the ones they farmed for months. It's logical. If you spend time or money on a toon, you want to use it.
  • "Mikek;c-2208296" wrote:
    I still dont know why people hated these. At least every tw was different somehow. I hated banning toons but bonuses were just fine.

    Ppl dont like their hard farmed/paid meta team be there and win on almost everything/not beaten by something else, so no bonus and no ban out there even some of us like it.
  • Sorry, faction bonuses make Territory Wars too interesting. Can’t be having with that.