9 years ago
Ugnaught...time to shine.
"We’re taking a closer look at characters that are underused or are underperforming. Have a character that you want to use but feel they aren’t able to compete? Create a post in the character feedback section on why you feel they are underpowered and we'll take a look."
Guys, gals, can we give Uggie some love soon? At some point? I'd like to see the most looked down upon toon in the game shine. If not for comedic purposes, for the fact barely anyone has him juiced up, so theoretically, it'd be like employing a whole new toon.
I don't think I need to write an essay on why he needs improvement. I think that's pretty clear.
Guys, gals, can we give Uggie some love soon? At some point? I'd like to see the most looked down upon toon in the game shine. If not for comedic purposes, for the fact barely anyone has him juiced up, so theoretically, it'd be like employing a whole new toon.
I don't think I need to write an essay on why he needs improvement. I think that's pretty clear.