Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
2 days ago

Ult Journey Update

I noticed someone necro'd a thread about the Ult Journey. They were complaining about difficulty (and, again, it was a necro) so I didn't want to add to that thread, but though that thread was originally about difficulty (as was the recent necro) that was also the thread in which CG_Meathead suggested potentially simming UltJourney events after a player had beaten the event X times and achieved 3 stars -- a combination of approaches between, say, Galactic War which simply requires X many completions and individual nodes/events which require a single 3-star victory. 

I'm wondering if CG has plans to make this simmable soon. Because the event occurs every 4 weeks rather than every month, we've now done the event 13 times, but the anniversary of its release is not until tomorrow. 13 victories is more than what we were talking about as a good number of wins to begin simming, but I could understand holding off until the event is a year old. 

So is there a plan, CG, to add a sim option? If so, when? And if you're a player please like/comment if you'd like to see the sim option come to UltJourney events. 

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