2 years ago
When can I start farming relic 8 materials??
I have 4 million gp and I’m only halfway towards my first galactic legend, SLKR.
Afterwards I plan on relicing my GAS, CLS, and JKR teams.
The only full reliced teams I have right now are my padme team, grevious droids, a bounty hunter team and some first order.
Is it possible for me to join a challenge pit raid right now? Would I be accepted with my current teams? All I need is the relic 8s for the executor and I meet the requirements… thanks for your help!
Afterwards I plan on relicing my GAS, CLS, and JKR teams.
The only full reliced teams I have right now are my padme team, grevious droids, a bounty hunter team and some first order.
Is it possible for me to join a challenge pit raid right now? Would I be accepted with my current teams? All I need is the relic 8s for the executor and I meet the requirements… thanks for your help!