Forum Discussion

mig28maverick's avatar
New Novice
3 months ago

Why can't we buy 15 Kyrotech Shock Prods with GET 2?

It doesn't make sense and it's really irritating. Can we get this changed? 15 Kyrotech Battle Computers come up all the time in the Guild Event Store, but only 5 Shock Prods. Seems like a really unnecessary difference that's really long overdue to be corrected.

  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    Because then you could farm them too quickly and they wouldn't be enough of a bottleneck.

  • Are you assuming this was unintentional when you say it’s long overdue correction? Shock prods tend to be the more common requirement, which makes them the bigger bottleneck of the two. Many gear pieces have various shipment amounts and pricing. Or even various demands in requirements for gear levels. This could be intentional to maintain the bottleneck for us to overcome or promote us to use crystals. So rather than an unnecessary difference it may be an  intentional difference in their economy.

    • mig28maverick's avatar
      New Novice

      No, the opposite, I'm assuming it was intentional, but it was back when not every character required 400 kyrotech pieces to g13. The bottleneck has far outpaced the changes to the economy - this would be a very simple change that IMO should never been this way in the first place, but where the current state of progression is it feels like a no brainer at this point.

      • Persimius's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        Obviously as a player we don't think it should ever have been this way, but you're delusional if you don't think CG planned it exactly this way. To g13 every character currently in the game, you need 33,950 shockprods and 24,950 computers. Of course they made sure one was harder than the other and of course they made the harder one even harder to get. It's how CG rolls.