"Nattee;c-1652807" wrote:
Tavirus how do you explain that the 23 August she was not with BB-8?
Edited for content. - EA_Cian
So when we get the October calendar, there will be a BB8 event listed but no JTR. Then a week before BB8 event, they will announce JTR. They did it with the last CLS event.
And maybe I should have been clearer. The event for the required legendary character always comes with the Hero's journey. BB8 always comes with Rey, and R2 always comes with CLS now. So roughly every other time you see R2/BB8, there should be a Hero's Journey with it. (this might have been different before I started playing, but its been true the entire time I've played the game)
In short, BB8 comes with JTR, but JTR doesn't always come with BB8.