I have been running:
Count D - Zeta Rey - Lando - StHan - Zeta Yoda (meditation), and can best Zaul teams without uber speed.
I know old school evasion, but what I have as FTP... Anyway, my Yoda has 265 Speed which lets it move before Sith with less then 212 Speed(under Zaul they get 20% tm at start). Thankfully TFP does not get the TM bonus. This lets be move before most Zaul teams on my server.
Zeta Yoda gives Forsight and Tendactiy with battle Mediation. With Dooku as leader I get offense up when the foresight is removed. Key for me is getting Tendacity UP added before sith move. IMO the AI should not be doing AOE debuffs if the targeted squad all has Tendacity UP.
If everything goes right My yoda moves first, then an enemy sith, then my Rey hits back with offense up...
I do need to be careful with Lando, if I do his AOE while the sith are stealth he gets Ninnied.
I have been looking at Zeta on QGJ, gives yoda more speed, and swap in JKA into for lando...
The above Squads are weak vs B2, so not the best on defense. And well lead Zaul team can take it.