2 days agoSeasoned Rookie
BUG REPORT - TW Great Mothers
So I just found a minor bug in Territory War with Great Mothers
One of my guild members defeated Morgan Elsbeth (in a R7 GM team, with leader omicron) and I decided to try to finish them off with a weak GAS team I've been working on.
- I managed to kill GM (GAS counter after losing protection)
- Nightsister Acolyte "killed" my Gear 12 Rex, which sacrificed Fives
- (Omicron kicks in, causes Fear on my entire team)
- Battle freezes because Rex has full turn meter, but also fear and I can not make a turn (see video)
Originally I was going to let the timer run out and submit the battle; after all, another attempt against NS with no leader nor tank would've been easy, but about a minute later I decided to see what would happen if I turned on Auto Battle.
- turned on auto Battle
- All my clones took their non-turn with fear
- GAS got back up
- NS Spirit attacked GAS
- Matched continued normally
At the point where NS Spirit took her turn, I turned off auto Battle and finished the match normally.