Forum Discussion

kdpy33q1wma8's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

House with a red 2 dot

Anyone else experiencing a situation where in any other screen other than the home screen, I have a red dot 🔴 underneath my 🏠 with a 2 on it indicating I have 2 things to ‘open’ in the home screen but when I’m on the home screen there is nothing to open 🤷🏼‍♂️and no quests anywhere to complete? 

    • kdpy33q1wma8's avatar
      New Rookie

      Why would something that isn’t finished be indicated with red dot that indicates completion? 

      • MisticMilo's avatar
        Seasoned Novice

        It makes no sense, I know. It's annoying and I'm like 99% sure it's a bug. But it's the way it works at the moment. Go to Achievements and you should see that indicator on quests