Forum Discussion

AshtonSWGOH's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

Purchased LSB and got crystals in return

Hi, I just purchased the "Smugglers Lightspeed Bundle" and got 2,800 crystals in return. Can I please get the pack re-enabled on my account, I don't mind if I need to purchase it again.  (no ss because I closed the notification thinking it was the LSB)

Ally Code: 696-238-745

Thank you!

9 Replies

  • Axiomatica1's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    30 days ago

    I had the same thing happen to me when i purchased the Chewbacca LSB via the desktop app. It took 3 weeks to resolve but I feel that the reason why it took so long was because there were changes to the person helping me every single day. 

    I finally lost my S**T at the last person who then escalated it to a management terminal who then promptly granted me the LSB and I thank that person greatly.

    I would like to suggest that  when a consumer raises a ticket that there is just 1 single dedicated CG/EA help desk person that works to resolve the issue and if it needs to be escalated then go ahead and do so... But 1 new person every single day, with each person giving different reasons for why the issue couldn't be resolved for 3 weeks is ridiculous.  

  • AshtonSWGOH's avatar
    New Rookie
    30 days ago

    Yeah, that must have been frustrating, glad you got the bundle in the end.   

  • Jayzacol's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    30 days ago

    I still don’t have my Jawas bundle… II post it in this forum 3 days ago…