Hi there. I have made several build changes to Shang Simla Market, and succeeded in both requests. When I made changes to the build I did them while editing the town of China. You can do this be selecting China when you are in edit town mode in your home world, or travel to China and select edit town while there. I have even placed the city hall and hospital rabbit holes onto the lot. I made all changes before attempting any quests that involved the market lot. I made NO changes to the tombs below. I have included three screenshots of my changes. You write that you intend to delete the China file from your save. The game will generate a new China file for you at an unplayed and unaltered state. However, it has been my experience that if your game is in the middle you may not be able to continue. Also if you cancel the quest you may not be able to restart from the beginning. However, all is not lost. Do you have an old save from before you made the changes. If so you can always pick the game up from there. If not, have you considered saving your active family to the bin, (make sure you remove all keys and pangue's axe from your inventories), and starting a new game, and placing your active family from the bin into the new game. Your family members will retain the all skill levels learned and milestones achieved. Your marital arts skill and tournament level will also be the saved. The same is true with your employment level and pay in your home world. The down side you will loose all of your friends and relationships outside the active family. All World Adventures, quests will be reset and you will have to replay them.