Rules for earning money
- Only the active legacy sim and potential child heirs may have a job or earn money in any way. Spouses, siblings or other relatives cannot earn money.
- Selling furniture, items or lot structures isn't allowed unless otherwise specified. If you want to get rid of it, either store it in household inventory or sell it and reset your money using cheats back to what it was. Placing an item in build mode and then undoing for a full refund because you changed your mind is permitted. Once you close build mode, your purchases are permanent. If you own a retail store and are permitted to earn money that way, you may sell household items there if they fit the category of your store. You cannot sell a computer in a bakery for example.
- Items from the pile of presents or from Santa cannot be sold. Your sim may only get 1 present on each birthday if a birthday party is thrown. You may get presents during winterfest for as long as the pile looks like it has more than usual after Father Winter leaves gifts.
- Harvestables, collectables, frogs bred, dumpster dives, trash rummages and fishing items may not be sold unless the sim is specifically allowed to sell them. You may grow or collect harvestables for food. You may collect and use items found without selling them.
- The recycling trash can can't be used to gain money unless otherwise specified.
- Children of the current legacy sim must join after school activities according to their aspiration. They need to go to school and cannot go on vacation unless the whole family is going to a vacation home or they are sick (in a bad mood). Money earned by children must be used for the current legacy sim if the sim is supposed to earn money from the parenting skill.
- Motor after school activity: scout
- Creative after school activity: drama club
- Mental after school activity: scout
- Social after school activity: drama club
- Teens and adults may choose only 1 way to make money with a job, skill or business.
- Teens that are choosing a job as an adult may choose any part-time job as a teen and then change their job to their adult job when they age up. Rotate the part-time job chosen and repeat them once all are used. Don’t use any of the part-time jobs as an adult.
- If you have university and a degree applies to a career, you must earn a distinguished degree for that career first to complete it. You may keep your part-time job while in university and tutor for money. You may also elect to change your job to your end career goal before completing university, but it will be hard to do university and the career at the same time if the hours conflict.
- For the renaissance aspiration, after school activities and part-time careers count for raising a career to level 3, so use those and the main job will be the last one.
- Actions required by a job for daily tasks or reward interactions as a result of having a specific job like pickpocketing from the criminal career or streaming video games for esports may also generate money.
- You may sell rewards earned from bonuses at jobs in build mode if you sell them immediately after getting them. This includes school projects if they are completed first, but only if you are earning money from a job.
- Sims that choose skill based work may not sell anything via build mode or directly from their inventory unless no other method is available. Selling to other sims by plopsy, vendor tables or retail stores must be used. You can sell to a grocery vendor if you have cottage living. If you cannot put it into a retail store, buy another item of the same value in build mode that can be put into a retail store and sell the original item in build mode to get a free item that can be sold.
- If a skill doesn't have an obvious way of generating money, try to get creative. You can own a retail store that sells related items. You can create videos doing the activity and upload them via the media station, but you must improve each video as much as possible before uploading via editing and transitions. The parenting skill allows making money through any child acquiring an item by any means.
- Career categories are based on skills for the university degree, highest skill that needs to be reached to get promoted to the top level in that career, the most useful skill for the career or useful skill for the degree. Skill category is based on the child aspiration that boosts that skill. Not all of these make sense. I’ve looked at the tuning files and this is how the Sims categorizes these skills, not me. If no obvious skill benefits a career or no child aspiration benefits a skill, it’s thrown into the miscellaneous category. Use these to fill in gaps for child aspirations that don’t have as many options.
- Motor Careers: Astronaut (Space Ranger and Interstellar Smuggler), Athlete (Professional Athlete and Bodybuilder), Doctor
- Motor Skills: Dancing, Fitness, Pet Training, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding
- Creative: Critic (Food Critic), Culinary (Chef and Mixologist), Entertainer (Musician), Freelancer (Crafter, Digital Artist, Fashion Photographer, Writer), Gardener (Floral Designer), Interior Decorator, Painter (Master of the Real and Patron of the Arts), Writer (Author)
- Creative Skills: Baking, Cooking, DJ Mixing, Flower Arranging, Guitar, Juice Fizzing, Knitting, Media Production, Mixology, Painting, Photography, Piano, Pipe Organ, Singing, Violin, Writing
- Mental Careers: Business (Investor), Civil Designer (Green Technician), Conservationist (Marine Biologist), Criminal (Oracle), Education (Professor), Engineer (Computer Engineer and Mechanical Engineer), Freelancer (Programmer), Gardener (Botanist), Law (Judge and Private Attorney), Military (Covert Operator), Salaryperson (Expert), Scientist, Tech Guru (eSport Gamer and Start-up Entrepreneur)
- Mental Skills: Archeology, Fabrication, Fishing, Handiness, Herbalism, Logic, Programming, Research and Debate, Robotics, Rocket Science, Video Gaming, Wellness
- Social Careers: Actor, Business (Management), Civil Designer (Civic Planner), Conservationist (Environmental Manager), Criminal (Boss), Critic (Arts Critic), Detective, Education (Administrator), Entertainer (Comedian), Military (Officer), Politician (Politician and Charity Organizer), Social Media (Internet Personality and Public Relations), Salaryperson (Supervisor), Secret Agent (Diamond Agent and Villian), Style Influencer (Trend Setter and Stylist), Writer (Journalist)
- Social Skills: Charisma, Comedy, Mischief, Selvadorian Culture
- Miscellaneous Careers: Freelancer (Paranormal Investigator)
- Miscellaneous Skills: Acting, Bowling, Cross Stitching, Medium, Parenting, Vampire Lore, Veterinarian
- Miscellaneous Money Making: Owning a Restaurant, Collecting Items (no harvestables), Magic, Kleptomaniac Trait, Roommates and Utilities (selling power/water), Batuu Smuggler, Batuu Resistance, Batuu First Order, Dumpster Diving, Vending Machines, Village Errands in Cottage Living, Raising Chickens, Raising Llamas, Raising Cows, Dust Bunnies, Gifts (presents from animals or objects), Odd Jobs, Marriage
- For skills based money earning, no degree is required.
- For all plant needs, you must find them growing in the world, not on another sim’s lot. If it doesn’t grow naturally, you need to get it through grafting. Purchasing seed packets or produce/flowers from vendors is too easy. You may not harvest from festivals.
- For flower arranging, all arrangements must be made with actual flowers grown by your sim or harvested from the world.
- No indoor gardens of any type if you have seasons installed. Using the weather machine to change the season is allowed, but you need to keep it outside.
- For high value crafting skills (over $1,000 per item produced), once you reach level 10 in the skill, you must purchase a retail store to sell your items. Using the vendor tables is too overpowered.
- For painting, you must paint every painting available before you can start over. This will create a lot of different valued paintings.
- Retail stores must have some lower priced items in stock at all times. Sell supplies or decorations related to the skill if you’re selling crafted items. Crafted items are not restockable, but supplies and decorations are. At least 2 items need to be in stock that are less than $1,000 simoleons and restockable.
- Restaurants need to have a theme for food and have all food related to that theme available unless it’s too high level for the chefs. You cannot just serve the most expensive items.
- For money making from skills, if you have a retail store, vet clinic or restaurant, you need all perks purchased and 5 stars eventually to end the generation.
- Retail, vet and restaurant lots cannot contain any usable electronic or plumbing items unless the off-the-grid lot trait is removed. Disable utility use on any off-the-grid appliances.
- For each business you own, you need to pay taxes. When your bills are due, pay 10% of the retail lot’s value in build mode.
- No sleeping or showering on business lots. You need to go back to your home lot for that. You may keep skill building items on business lots, but you cannot move them back and forth. Buy 2 of the items if you really want to skill build at home and at the business.
List of degrees for careersCareer | Branch | Degree
Actor | none | Drama
Detective | none | Psychology
Doctor | none | Biology
Scientist | none | Physics
Astronaut | Space Ranger | Physics
Astronaut | Interstellar Smuggler | Villainy
Athlete | Professional Athlete | Biology, requires Soccer Team Player scholarship and max level
Athlete | Body Builder | Biology
Business | Management | Communications
Business | Investor | Economics
Civil Designer | Green Technician | Physics
Civil Designer | Civic Planner | Communications
Conservationist | Environmental Manager | Economics
Conservationist | Marine Biologist | Biology
Criminal | Boss | Villainy
Criminal | Oracle | Computer Science
Critic | Arts Critic | Art History
Critic | Food Critic | Culinary Arts
Culinary | Chef | Culinary Arts
Culinary | Mixologist | Culinary Arts with Mixology Elective (also take mixology class on the phone until you get the Mixologist Certification)
Education | Administrator | Economics
Education | Professor | Psychology
Engineer | Computer Engineer | Computer Science
Engineer | Mechanical Engineer | Physics
Entertainer | Musician | Fine Art
Entertainer | Comedian | Drama
Freelancer | Crafter | Fine Art
Freelancer | Digital Artist | Fine Art
Freelancer | Fashion Photographer | Fine Art
Freelancer | Programmer | Computer Science
Freelancer | Writer | Language & Literature
Gardener | Botanist | Biology
Gardener | Floral Designer | Fine Art
Interior Decorator | none | Fine Art (might need mods to fix a bug that doesn’t give a bonus)
Law | Judge | History
Law | Private Attorney | Language & Literature
Military | Officer | History
Military | Covert Operator | Psychology
Painter | Master of the Real | Fine Art
Painter | Patron of the Arts | Art History
Politician | Politician | History
Politician | Charity Organizer | Communications
Salaryperson | Expert | Computer Science
Salaryperson | Supervisor | Communications
Secret Agent | Diamond Agent | Psychology
Secret Agent | Villain | Villainy
Social Media | Internet Personality | Drama
Social Media | Public Relations | Communications
Style Influencer | Trend Setter | Art History
Style Influencer | Stylist | Fine Art
Tech Guru | eSport Gamer | Computer Science, requires ESports Competitor scholarship and max level
Tech Guru | Start-up Entrepreneur | Computer Science
Writer | Author | Language & Literature
Writer | Journalist | Communications