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EnkiSchmidt's avatar
2 years ago

No skills, lotsa problems

A playthrough of the No skills, no problem scenario


All dlc except for Wedding Stories, HSY, Growing together and most kits
Game version: werewolves update
On: Lifestyles, animal aging, temperature and build mode effects on sims, npc voting, celebs
Off: Whims, neighborhood stories (including phone calls), werewolves outside Moonwood Mill

Sim name: Fred Collins
Occult Type: Animal Empath with song-based magic (currently dormant)
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Business Savvy
Preferences: Likes Gardening, Likes Blue
Aspiration: Varies
Life goal: Own a farm worth 400,000 simoleons, regain his full magic powers
House rules: None except to start with nothing

Fred will get dropped into an existing save via save_as, and I will edit the calendar to better reflect his life. There is no need to keep, for example, “Sixam’s Approach” as a holiday, when playing a sim that has no ties to Sixam at all.


“I used to sing with the birds… dance through the air. Lack of feathers, differently wired vocal chords and sheer size, none of that mattered. I was one with the swarm. Nowadays I’m not even one with myself anymore. See, I got hit by a Tabula Rasa spell, and an especially nasty variant to boot. The attack left me bereft of my memory: relationships, skills, everything. Worse: Although I can once again accumulate episodic memories, I still cannot relearn my skills and probably never won’t. The doctors aren’t certain themselves in this regard.

The birds don’t judge. They don’t laugh me down when I botch my dance moves, nor do they criticize me. That’s just not in their nature. But the feeling of something being off, that is there in full. There is a barrier between me and the birds now. I can still charm them and control them to a certain extent, what is all my job requires me to do anyway. But the former closeness is gone.”

“Speaking of my career… I belong to a special section of the FBI that has access to portal technology. We perform regular policework, but on a moment’s notice. Willow Creek in the morning, Strangerville by noon and Mt. Komorebi for the nightshift is our bread ‘n butter.
I made it out of the hospital in time to participate in the annual BBQ. I even brought fireworks I had won at the Humor & Hijinks festival the day before. That led my co-workers to believe I was fully cured and stood firmly on the ground again. Cool. In charge. In truth I hardly even knew who was who…”

“You sometimes have photos in your gallery that you have no idea how to caption? What is even going on here? Goofball Gavin being himself, I suppose. Gavin is the type of co-worker whose mental image easily survives a memory wipe. One just needs to know his type, the office bully who thinks himself so funny, who never chips in on the coffee, but who will elbow his way to snatch the last cup from the machine. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to seeing this man at work again tomorrow and made no secret of this.

And that was when everyone fell silent. For Gavin had gotten lain off in fall already and was now working as a private eye. It had been huge, something one doesn’t forget easily. Yet here I was, with the hole in my memory that was now present again in everyone’s perception.

We stood and said nothing until Gavin of all people slowly started to recount an episode from his life as private investigator. His new office. Two kittens he had adopted. The boyfriend he was smitten with. Like me, he had lost everything, or close to everything, close enough to feel the same I was feeling now. But since that loss he had also experienced gains. The realization gave me hope.

I’m back, am I not?”

Taking over the narration from Fred here.

I chose to start in the detective career to take advantage of the basement cleanup at career level two or three that pays out furniture.
Detectives for the most part don’t need skills, just the Observant trait. Handling the chemical analyzer can fail based on Logic, so that could become a problem. The first time Fred had to perform an analysis as job task, he cheesed it by using “Test analyzer”. He succeeded and Hank at the adjacent machine was none the wiser how badly Fred’s brain damage really was. Deceiving kind Hank of all people left a bad aftertaste, but anything to keep your job!

Soon as I hit career level 3, I will also apply for university, one class per semester, to take advantage of the scholarships. I’m curious how far a zero skill sim gets just with putting in effort. If Fred should manage to get a degree he will switch to a work from home career.

Have in idea just how powerful that Tabula Rasa spell was! It not just wiped Fred’s memory, but his whole house with backyard. I suppose he can be glad that he still has a legal ID. Fortunately the spellcaster responsible for his is now behind bars.

I chose this lot because it had served me during the millionaire scenario well already. With a grill nearby and plenty of lilies growing in the neighborhood starting here is like playing easy mode.

Although I won’t be able to graft or even evolve plants, normal quality lilies sold in bulk should generate a nice income on their own. Not pictured are the rabbit stump Fred hadn’t unlocked by the time and an improvised roof I put up to shelter the plants.

Longterm I definitely want to try for a golden chicken. I don’t think I will bother with a house, but we’ll see.

Fred bugs every celeb crossing his way for an autograph that he then has appreciated and sold to collectors. The premade celeb here was gullible enough to comply, but my played sim Carl Manfred has standards – he refused to get commodified.

In time Fred rediscovered bonds he had forged before getting hit by the spell – like his relationship to Rika Tachibana. I’m working through the lower tiers of several aspirations to farm satisfaction points and Soulmates is incredibly easy.

This is still in the first week of gameplay, but in the context of the story it’s the culmination of several years of having worked alongside each other and steadily having grown closer.

I don’t plan to move Rika in, in fact, I chose her specifically because as a municipally owned android she legally cannot leave the police station.

And finally a look at the calendar. I play with aging off, seven day seasons and one year equaling one real life year. Fred is now 23 and will celebrate a birthday every year with a cake, but no blowing out the candles before he turns forty.

Election day is basically Neighborhood Brawl plus watch TV and Attend Ceremony. Even in years when there is no big election, there still may be something to vote on locally.

I think the other holidays are all self-explanatory. New skill day though, lol, the irony of the game offering it to this particular sim!

10 Replies

  • Summer Year 1
    Narrated by Fred to his various pen pals

    “See? This is why Rika and me is a match made in heaven! She cleaned away the puddles I had left after watering my lilies! Everyone else always drones on about “only a neat freak will mop an outdoors puddle”, but Rika gets it. We aren’t even “Neat Freaks”, in fact, I don’t care much about cleanness, but I value order. I suppose this is why I became a cop in my younger years. Nowadays I dream of running a ranch. (Saying “nowadays” might sound silly coming from an objectively young man, but believe me, 17 and 23 makes a huge difference.)”

    “Our wedding in the Yacht Club of Brindleton Bay… I feel we rushed into this, when in truth this is the natural end point of having known each other for six years and a relationship that evolved over time. From Rika’s perspective, anyway. Me, I can only watch our old videos like one watches a romance movie. But the heart knows what it wants and the old closeness is definitely still there, even though my memory is gone. And the important thing is that we are forging new memories together from now on. Unlike skills, memories stick.”

    “I have forgotten what my house and the landscaping looked like, and in turn the spell made everything vanish. What is left now is a tent stuffed with my few newly purchased belongings, in close proximity to a very convenient sight-blocking bush. My home thus looks no different from a homeless’ camp, with the difference that I own the lot.

    I sheltered the lilies I had planted at the beginning of summer with a simple roof resting on four wooden pillars from home depot – the pinnacle of my handiness skills these days.

    Why the need for growing flowers on an almost commercial scale? I’ll tell you: The doctors called back, saying there was a therapy available for me. Full restoration of my episodic memories and the ability to learn skills and magic again, although I’ll have to start anew in both. But the therapy will cost me, 400,000 simoleons, to be specific. I need to scrounge every penny I can lay my hand on! And absolutely no building a house, to save even more!”

    Note: In basegame gardening might be the best way to tackle this scenario, even though the sim cannot build gardening skill. But for Fred I’m really sold on a combination of my favorite career and homesteading.


    “At work I tend to use the computer in forensics, since they are less contested than the ones in the main office. - Huh? What’s Captain Fowler doing in the crime lab with a drink in hand?”

    Captain Fowler: “Happy Birthday, Officer Collins!“

    “Haha! The whole police station was celebrating that day, as if me turning twenty-four was a national holiday! Granted, I am on friendly terms with most of them normally, but so briefly after my epic fight against the Tabula Rasa spellcaster I was still something like a local celebrity.”

    “Birthday or not, work was work, and I even had to teleport as far as Del Sol Valley today. Fortunately it is summer here, too, otherwise I might have caught a cold from the sudden change in temperature. I wouldn’t have been the first of our unit for that to happen to.

    Thinking of temperatures so much, I opted for a honey cake for my birthday cake (because honey makes for great protection against both heat and cold). Rika even sampled a slice of her own, despite not needing to eat.”

    “I admit I’ve taken a liking to outdoors living, to the point of calling it my lifestyle.”

    Rika: “Why the bush, when you have a perfectly good tent right next to it?”

    Fred: “To… uh… appreciate the tent even more, after having experienced bush woohoo in all its pointy branches and bug-ridden leaves glory?”

    Rika: “Haha, nice save! But, honestly, you’ll want a house by winter, lest your “lifestyle” becomes your certified cause of death. Deathstyle isn’t cool, my love!”

    She has a point, hasn’t she?

    “The computers at work are a godsend, being fully enabled for private use, especially for impoverished officers or those like me, who are sitting on a 10,764 simoleons reserve of cash, that they cannot dip into for medical reasons. I use the work stations to keep up with the friends I made across the globe in the line of my work and now also to apply for scholarships. Maybe I won’t need the 400K therapy, after all, maybe strict academic learning is all that’s required to teach me some solid skills again!”

    “There was a slight change this C-student, skill-less cop could have gotten into a distinguished program, but he didn’t. Too bad, but I of course understand. What I do not understand is why I wasn’t considered for Helping Hand, Education for Everybody and Citizen of Newcrest. I may live in a tent, but I have a legal address and never failed to pay property tax! With only a single scholarship – workplace student - I’d have to cover the difference for even a single class out of my own pocket. I’ll have to think about whether I really want to do this.”

    Fred may have doubts, but I really want to try uni with this sim. It just took a while to level up his career for the workplace student scholarship. As for the pen pals, I maintain them to complete the postcard collection for the Collector aspiration. It’s more difficult than expected, because the cards aren’t getting delivered when I’m at work. I only have a single one so far.

    “Exercises! What’s the point of them, if I do not build muscle memory? I only get tired needlessly… Yet my Lawful Neutral brain stubbornly makes me go though my old routines. I feel as if after the high from my marriage, the universe is now piling a c-ton of negatives on me to balance out the bill.”

    “I used to do a lot of the repairs at work myself, even though we are supposed to call the repairman for insurance reasons. When my co-workers saw me do my “guerilla repairing” again today, that confirmed their impression that I was back to my old self. They know I’m not, for example it is hard to overlook that I’m not a spellcaster anymore, but I still deceive them about the exact extent of my impairment. I feel bad about lying, but I need to keep this job. I have hope for a therapy now, and for a normal family life some day!”
  • Fall Year 1

    An incident at Harvestfest

    Around harvestfest Fred realized that he had no friends outside work. None living in the same city as he, that was. And so his guests that day were Rika (naturally), Hank and Gavin.

    Gavin: “Nice camp! Sure beats the bus stop I lived at...”

    Hank: “Your bus stop came with a cute vendor you’re going steady with now, so you really have no reason to complain.”

    Fred: “And you only lived there because you were keeping the other vendor stall across the street under surveillance. Nobody vanished your house into a different plane of existence!”

    Hank: “Speaking of, where did all the swag go that you took when we cleaned out the DPD’s basement?”

    Fred: “I only kept the mirror and sold the rest. You wouldn’t think there’s a market for used prison doors and iron bars!”

    For real, look at the long list of items gained at promotion! This stage of their career always comes with a nice windfall for my police sims from selling all of it. But it also makes it look as if their basement is the worst dump ever.

    In their career even a major holiday was not really a day off for Fred and his friends. While he was holding hands with Rika on the bench, Hank and Gavin discussed their latest case. It was a testament to how important this case was, if the law enforcement and the private eye, occupations that were normally at odds with - or at least wary of - each other, were sharing information so readily.

    Suddenly Gavin took a picture of… Hank’s manhood?!

    Hank didn’t found it funny.

    Rika: “I don’t understand what just happened, I mean, I SAW, I just don’t get the context. But I had a good laugh!”

    Gavin: “At my expense, sure…”

    Fred: “Well, Gav, what did you expect Hank to do, after you photographed his…? You SO brought this upon yourself!”

    And what else happened

    “Did you notice the coop in the harvestfest photos? That’s right, I have chickens now! Meet Molly, Polly, Dolly and, uh, The Rooster. Yeah, I know. Loving animals doesn’t magically make one creative with names… But aren’t they the cutest?”


    “I found a fertilized golden egg in the coop sooner than expected! From what I’ve read, chickens have to really like you to lay one of those, so I assume Polly here is the mother, since she likes me best out of all my feathered babies.”

    “One morning I found three golden regular eggs in the coop. This is getting better and better!”

    “At this point I grew ambitious. Instead of selling the golden eggs fresh from the nest, I invested in a fridge to keep them fresh for the festivals, when people are willing to pay higher prices. I never wanted to be greedy or a miser, but my situation made me one nonetheless, it seems.

    While being at it, I also ordered basic kitchen and bathroom fixtures and a waterbed. And with that, I suddenly had a house again. I felt accomplished like never before since my accident!”

    “Starting this fall semester I’m officially a drama student. Theatre is way out of my comfort zone normally, but here’s my reasoning: No actor can have expertise in every role they play, oftentimes the way a play or the movies portray occupations like mine are even downright wrong. Could this be the one field where lack of skill makes no difference whatsoever? An actor skilled at gardening has exactly the same chance of correctly playing, say, a race car driver, as have I, with no skill whatsoever, because we both lack experience as race car drivers. We just pretend.”

    Well, there is such a thing as an acting skill existing… And I think subconsciously Fred also hopes to learn how to even better hide the fact that he has lost his professional skills from his co-workers.

    “Aw, will you look a this? Meet Aurelius, my first chick! He will grow into a golden rooster. I can’t wait to watch him do all the firsts: the first time being outside the coop, first time catching a worm… I may never be a father, but I sure can be a good landlord and godfather!”

    Fred was absorbed in his work, so he didn’t notice his wife flirt with a co-worker. Not even one of my own characters, but a randomly generated sim that the game sometimes manages to slip into my heavily curated police crew. Looks like someone has neglected the love of his life over the uni and baby chick business lately!

    I moved Fred closer so that Rika was in his line of sight now and you know what happened? She noticed Fred and turned around to kiss him! Apparently flirting was flirting and stopped there, and kissing was kissing and as such reserved for only Fred.

    (The temp will still get fired again aka deleted.)

  • Christmas Year 1

    Christmas 2039 - or “Year One”, as Fred put it - saw its share of snow, but overall the weather was mild. Fred therefore opted for a potted Christmas tree, that he’d return to the landscaping company after the holidays. This wasn’t just Fred being a nature enthusiast, he honestly wouldn’t have known how to fit a tree into his little house.

    Testing the lights in the deep of night… beautiful!


    The first gift Fred received from his bird friends. It was a high level cook book…

    From his parents he received the latest tablet, worth one thousand simoleons. Selling it would have put Fred closer to his 400,000 $ goal, and his parents would have understood this, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

    Besides, the portable little computer was useful! Fred could keep notes on it, browse the internet wherever he was during a case and play games to pass time. The joy of his new soccer game vaned, when the avatar gained skills and steadily improved, exactly the ability Fred had lost…

    The holiday was a series of highs and lows, it seemed.

    When Rika came over, Fred gifted her a new winter outfit in her favorite color combination, blue and orange. Seeing Rika’s face light up was definitely a high!

    I felt really clever about this gift, since it didn’t require spending my actual ingame money, just a quick session in CAS.

    All this effort, only for the turkey to come out “bad” quality, after all :(

    Maybe Fred shouldn’t have followed the instructions from his new cookbook. It certainly expected the reader to have previous experience that Fred no longer possessed. Knowing you had made mistakes, but being unable to learn from them and improve hurt.

    I think I miss the cooking skill the most.

    New Year’s Eve, Year 1

    No longer single, but still childless, Fred tended to get the short stick at work when it came to holiday shifts. He was given the choice between working at Christmas or New Year’s Eve, but one of those two holidays he had to give up.

    And so, while everyone else in town was getting tipsy, Fred sat at the DPD central station together with the other unfortunates. He usually worked from a smaller station and was stunned at seeing that his workplace’s whole main office would have fit into central station’s cafeteria. Here the officers had pizza (made by Shawn, the sim to the right) and non-alcoholic drinks (made by Fred with a portable bar).

    This is a residential lot, a live-in police station where Rika and the other pictured sims live.

    Mistletoe to go!

    Fred had managed to sneak in some fireworks, that the nightshift officers ignited in a calm hour.

    And then it was Goodbye 2039, Welcome 2040 (aka Year 2)!

  • New Year, Year 2

    (Ingame this is really the morning/noon of New Year’s Eve, but it fits better the next day)

    Fred was looking at another nightshift today, and considered dozing through the day, but then again, it was January 1, the day of the annual Polar Bear Plunge, one of his favorite holiday customs. He didn’t want to miss this for any reason!
    Neither Rika nor Hank were particularly interested in ice bathing, that left only Gavin out of Fred’s three friends. Gavin immediately agreed to take the plunge together with Fred. He suggested to meet at The Bluffs and brought along his employees from his private investigations agency.

    The private detectives are a club with an office as their hangout. One day Gavin invited Fred to join it and I agreed.

    The investigators were still dressed for the mountain excursion they had undertaken recently. Except for proper Connor, who was dressed for a day at the office. Like always, regardless of weather or occasion. The moment this realization struck Fred, he knew that he had known Connor in his life before the Tabula Rasa spell. Gavin confirmed this suspicion when he introduced Fred to only two of his employees, not to all three of them.

    Gavin: “Danny, Todd - this is Fred Collins. He wasn’t told yet, but Captain Fowler wants him to act as an intermediary between us and the Law Enforcement this year.”

    Todd: “So – a double agent?”

    Gavin: “That would be the cool way to call it, yeah.”

    Fred shook hands with everyone, smiling especially wide at Daniel and Todd, his new acquaintances. This wasn’t just meeting someone you had merely forgotten, but a person you had never met before.


    For amnesic Fred this encounter was like a milestone, although he took care not to voice his feelings in this matter. The others would be aware of them anyway, but kept their mouths shut about it, too.

    Daniel seemed to be a lot more level-headed than his partner and had some choice words for the concept of jumping into ice cold water today: “This is madness!”

    The hypocrite! As a fellow Loves the Outdoors sim, Daniel has Polar Bear Plunge marked as “Loved tradition”, too!


    Fred was in first (and so far also alone).


    Being submerged for just a few seconds was already enough to give Fred cold water shock. But it had been worth it! Surrounded by the elements and the investigators, Fred felt a surge of CONFIDENCE.

    Connor: “You need to get out of there quickly, lest you freeze to death in the cold!”

    Fred: “Nevermind, Con’. See? I’ve already donned my cold weather outfit again!”

    Connor: “That I’d see the day I’d agree with Daniel on something… This really is madness! Get out of there immediately! Your “cold weather clothes” won’t do you any good, if they are soaked through!”

    Fred: “Oh, no biggie. I have a second set!”

    Connor gave a sigh from his artificial lungs, then asked what they’d do next.

    Fred: “Next we do this again! See, I have a bug on me that registers a successful Polar Bear Plunge and sends a notification to the Polar Bear Club database. For some reason my jump just now didn’t count.”

    Connor: “Okay, but let’s go to Del Sol Valley! Temperatures should be a tad bit more comfortable there, while still fulfilling the conditions for the Polar Bear Plunge.”

    Fred had worked on several cases in Del Sol Valley last year, the coordinates were still saved in his teleportation device. And technically he was on duty today, so what did it matter that his shift would start only later today? In the blink of an eye the officer had brought his companions over to Del Sol Valley alongside him…

    …only to learn that without a legit search warrant he couldn’t enter the house with the swimming pool he’s had his eye on.

    Gavin: “What now?”

    Sims can’t knock on Celeb houses.

    Fred: “Now we walk around the house! We don’t have business with the family living here, all we need is their pool!”

    Gavin: “Whoa, Fred, first willful misuse of work equipment for personal gain, now bending of the rules, all in the first twelve hours of the new year? There may still be hope for you, haha!”

    Gavin: “So, do we jump in now?”

    Fred: “No. Let’s raise the stakes a little and SKINNY DIP!”

    And in they went!

    Funnily the three humans jumped in readily, while the two androids had reservations. Connor is Proper, so no surprise here, but Daniel is Hot-headed, so in the context of the story I have no idea what’s gotten into him today to exercise such restraint. Probably still hungover from yesterday.

    Octavia Moon with five naked men in her swimming pool: “This is fine.”

    Despite having the landlady’s implicit permission to use her swimming pool, the investigators didn’t linger in there for long. It was freezing cold, after all.

    However, while the investigators celebrated their deed with confetti, the Polar Bear Plunge still hadn’t registered for Fred.

    “What have I done differently? Wait… what if it’s not just my skills that won’t stick, but also achievements? Could the Tabula Rasa spell block the data getting sent to the club server?!”

    On a sidenote, yup, Daniel is definitely hungover/confused. Look at the outfit he spun into: the kitty slippers! (This is his cold weather outfit for indoors)

    An hour before his workshift started, Fred visited Stargazer Lounge, where he got a new sensor. Turned out the first one had been damaged, because the second immediately picked up the fulfilled tradition and registered it into the club database. Fred now had earned his 2040 badge, the latest in an unbroken list since his 14th birthday.

    (Could it be that a sim needs to exit the pool via the ladder for the jump to count? That’s the only thing I can think of. I always have problems with Polar Bear Plunge registering for some sims, but not for others, even in the same household.)

    Next: Enough with the fluff, it’s back to the challenge and money earning!
  • Back to work! (Winter Year 2)

    “Crime map routines with the wife – normally we do not feel comfortable to tackle a criminal case together. Doing everything as a unit sooner or later suffocates love, so we take care to remain separate at work at least. But so briefly after the holidays it is hard to follow that policy.”


    Fred: “Shouldn’t that Gina-gal’s trial be today? You know, the thief I apprehended before the holidays?”

    Rika: “I think so. But she hasn’t shown her face so far.”

    The arrested sim had vanished from the holding cell after two days of me not having shown up for work because of the holidays. Fred had to re-issue the APB.

    Fred: “Think you can evade justice by holing up in Strangerville? Tell you what: EVERYONE thinks that. This town is in my quick-jump list in the teleporter!”

    Gina: “PLUM technology!!!”

    “The Tropical Experience in Brindleton Bay… No amount of laps is sufficient to improve my swim strokes. I’m stuck at a beginner’s doggy paddle. It’s embarrassing and also saddening. No more diving for seashells, spear fishing or taking photos with the underwater camera…”

    “Sitting here, pondering my life choices. I finished the semester with a C, but I do not want to blame this on the Tabula Rasa yet. After all, I missed two lectures.

    Uh… I’m smelling in my uniform. Do I want to pursue my current career, even though I hardly have time to change into my everyday outfit between classes, work, caring for the chickens and gardening? It might be wiser to drop at least one of those… the least productive. What’s one cop less in the streets? I can’t be THAT important that me going homesteader fulltime would hurt the city.

    Plus, I’d have more time for Rika and my friends, including new ones. I’m not sure if this Close-Knit lifestyle with just two friends is right for me.”

    “You noticed it’s dark already? That’s right, I don’t sleep much. Never did. Maybe it’s a spellcaster thing, like dormant elf blood or something. Anyway, I managed to fulfill my New Year’s Resolution the very last day of winter. Now I know what all the exercise and swimming is good for, even if I don’t learn anything from it: Stay (or get again) fit!”

    I could finally afford Never Weary for Fred. No more losing out on the nights! The career really wasn’t a good idea. I overvalued the free swag from the early promotions, now it’s just a drag.

    A chance meeting & our golden rooster grows up (Spring Year 2)


    When I loaded my game, one of the three sages stood right in front of Fred’s lot!

    Morgyn started walking and wouldn’t stop at getting yelled at:
    “Morgyn? Morgyn Ember? Wait up! Wait for meeeeee!”

    Morgyn: “Magister emeritus Collins… You called my name. I take it you remember me again?”

    Fred: “That would be the day! No, I don’t remember. But you’re well known. I’d have to have lived under a rock not to have heard of you those past months.”

    Morgyn: “I’ve watched you, Collins. Few people are able to raise golden chickens as effortlessly as you, or harvest golden eggs in such great number. Although your skills may be gone, your raw talent remains with you. The feature that determines the fields we’re good in, you know?”

    Fred: “That’s like saying I still have my lot, even though my house is gone!”

    Morgyn: “The whole street, to be precise, but let’s not complicate matters now.”

    Fred: “The whole what?!”

    Morgyn: “Visit me at the academy one of these day, then you’ll see for yourself.”

    Fred didn’t know how to squeeze in time for that visit, but speaking of golden chickens… After five months Little Aurelius had grown up into an impressive rooster and Goldmary wasn’t far behind him!

    Guess who forgot to switch “animal aging” to “on” in the beginning of the scenario? I could have had a golden chicken much earlier already! In addition to Aurelius I hatched three more male chicks, that I traded in for treats, and the hens Goldmary and Rosa, that I kept. Don’t worry about the little roosters, they are extremely rare, in high demand and didn’t get eaten.

    “I think of Aurelius as a teenager, not a full grown rooster yet, and his dad thinks the same. But although he won’t be a fuöö adult anytime soon, Aurelius already helps a lot in the garden. The moment he sees something that’s of less than perfect quality, be it a plant or piece of produce, Aurelius stares at it in a condescending way, and nature bends over backwards to meet his standards.”


    “Gardening with Aurelius…”

    “…and with Rika, isn’t she a dear? I wonder… I’m still crippled and money is tight, with me saving up for therapy and her saving up for buying herself free from the city… Should we have a science baby under these circumstances?”

    Rika is Cheerful, I don’t think she’d mind her baby’s father being poor, as long as they both love the little one. Mother and child could come over often for family life (Rika already is a frequent visitor), and then return to the police station to take advantage of the high quality furniture there.

    Many little steps & a career question (Spring Year 2)

    Canning to the background of the ever growing postcards collection.

    I learned that Fred can cook at skill level 1 when I made a fruit salad, and cooking level 1 opens four canning recipes: canned mushrooms, meat substitute, tomato sauce and apple jam. So after a quick foray for mushrooms and tomatoes as well as buying the Marketable trait, Fred’s overnight canning factory opened!


    Fred: “This is easy! Sold in bulk, even low skill preserves make good money, especially with Aurelius having boosted the ingredients’ quality! Why didn’t I think about this earlier?”

    One kitchen fire later:

    That’s why. 400$ down the drain and insurance paid only 80$.

    At Easter, Gavin came over with a present (from the “good neighbor” event, mind you, he lives in Evergreen Harbour. Aside from Fred there is only the Anderson household in Newcrest, with seven sims.)

    Gavin: “Heard through the grapevine that you consider quitting policework. Maybe you could reconsider? The city needs you.”

    Fred: “I see. - Why did they send YOU of all people to persuade me to stay? You have a negative teamwork rating!”

    Gavin: “But I’m the only dude at the precinct who can unironically give a gift box to another dude!”

    Fred smiled, but they both of course knew the real reason: Gavin was only a member of the Law Enforcement in spirit, no longer legally. If Fred turned down the proposal of a mere private investigator, that wouldn’t count as a defeat of the police force.

    Fred was about to ditch the job Gavin had gotten fired from… And now the city made Gavin beg Fred to stay... Fred couldn't help but think that this was a bit messed up.

    Let’s see what the present is… A jar of jam or an upgrade part, maybe?

    Oh, shoot. A hand-crafted violin of the finest quality. That cannot have come cheap. The city REALLY wants to keep Fred on the payroll.
    Too bad that the violin only reminds Fred of what he has lost and that he needs to make money to unlock his ability to re-learn the instrument. So nothing is decided yet.

    Fred left for the egg hunt at the Bramblewoods National Park to stave off his career decision for a bit longer – why did I even bother completing the postcards collection, if he easily completes the decorative eggs by going once around the bushes?

    Assorted achievements: An A+ for the second semester, a 19$ crystal sold to the Simsonian museum for a whopping 233$ (courtesy of the completed Collector aspiration and followed by many more such “donations”) and 50,000 simoleons in cash. Not bad! (But neither good. At this pace he’ll be stuck like this for eight more years.)

  • Aurelius gives Rosa the woohoo-talk:

    “See? This is where the little chicks come from!”
    “Where do the eggs come from?”
    “Uh… ah… Ask your mothers!!!”

    A visit to the Magic Academy (Spring Year 2)


    “When I got promoted to detective, Rika and I went on a weekend camping date to the Glimmerforst. According to the tourist guide, there is a portal to the Three Sages’ Magic Academy in the forest and we set out to find it. The academy is basically a castle perched on a rock floating in space, pretty impressive to look at, but also rather boring. I was curious to see what Professor Ember had wanted to show me there.”

    “Wait, did I just say lonely castle in space? I didn’t believe my eyes, when I found a greenhouse (on its own floating rock), a dueling ground and finally a whole business district, all surrounding the academy now. The sages’ retreat had grown into a proper campus!
    And despite knowing full well that all of this was new, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had walked this street before… until it hit me: This was my home street! All the houses had gotten abducted from Newcrest…”

    “…and the shops were still getting tended by the ghosts of their previous owners. That little detail put quite the damper on my joy at seeing the old familiar place again.”

    Morgyn: “Welcome, Detective! Have you looked around already? Ah, your mimic betrays that you have. Yes, it’s true. A whole street was displaced, torn from its place in space time, along with the residents. We keep the ruins here as a reminder. And you, Frederik Collins, are the hero who apprehended the spellcaster, who committed this atrocity. Never forget this! You are a hero.”

    “A Science Baby would have been nice, but why settle for that, when you can have a Magic Baby instead? The Sages agreed to assist human me and my android wife in our baby-making plans and so two persons entered the tent, but three came out again. Rika was now carrying our child – and I was aware again that I still had magic in me, even though I couldn’t call upon it in any meaningful way.”

    I made Fred spellcaster during this visit, but since he cannot learn skills, I won’t let him memorize spells either. I’m badly cheesing the scenario with the lilies already, no need to add Copypasto to this.

    And a home visit from the professor (Spring Year 2)


    Still the same week, during a rainy, stormy night:

    Fred: “What’s going on here? One leaves the room for just a minute and already Hank and Professor Ember are locked in ball of fists and fury!”

    Gavin: “Well, you know how Hank is. He attacked me, too, for no reason last year.”

    Fred: “At Harvestfest, you mean? Ah, I see now. Hank wouldn’t attack first, unless provoked by the Professor…”

    Fred: “…and I don’t take kindly to my guests getting harassed in my house! I challenge you to a duel of honor, Professor Ember!”

    Morgyn: “Me - against you? And only I have a wand? Oh, that should be good! If you win, I gift you an artifact.”

    Fred: “Stuff the sarcasm and prepare to fight!”

    Morgyn hit Fred with a ball of bright blue lightning.

    Morgyn: “Your favorite color, wasn’t it? Haha!”

    But then Fred hit back with an energy missile of his own, and it was lined with red. The Professor screamed from the pain and the emotions intertwined with the eldritch energies.

    A flick of Fred’s wrist later, Morgyn lay with his face in the dirt. Defeated.

    Fred: “How…?”

    Morgyn: “Well, how do you think, Detective? I TOLD you that you were the hero who defeated the nasty dark mage, that should have been a hint that you are no run of the mill hedge wizard. And you’re a cop, what should have told you that your expertise lies in martial applications of spellcasting, not the three schools or alchemy. In other words: You are a master duelist! One of the Top 5 in this country!”

    Fred: “I am?“

    Morgyn: “Of course. I wasn’t sarcastic, when I said me at my full power (minus a few bruises from your co-worker) against wandless you would be good. It was a fair duel, that could have gone either way. Fifty-fifty chances are exhilarating!”

    Fred being a master duelist wasn’t part of my backstory, but it fits nicely.

    Morgyn’s gift turned out to be a familiar orb containing a bunnerfly, the perfect companion for an animal loving spellcaster. However, the bunnerfly’s wings were crimson red, just like Fred’s spell had looked in the end.

    “What if… what if I didn’t so much as DEFEAT the evil spellcaster, as AM that one? Only the sages wiped my memory to give me a second chance? Like the Jedi did to Darth Revan in Knights of the Old Republic? But, no, Morgyn meant it, when he said I was a hero. He wanted me to know that and never forget it. … But I sure seem to have dabbled in the dark arts a fair bit. Phew! What a revelation!”

    Magic Baby! (Timeskip)

    Magic babies take time to grow, just like regular ones, but ingame a pregnancy lasts only three days (or a single one in my modded game). When we move from Spring to Summer now, let’s pretend a full year has passed!


    Fred’s and Rika’s son was born in February 2041 (aka Year 3). His mother named him Michael and he has the weak bloodline trait.

    Of all the places the game could have put the crib in the live-in police station, it chose one of the holding cells!

    Fred: “Hello, Michael, I’m your papa, and I won’t learn from any parenting mistakes I’m going to make! Just a fair warning…”

    After the birth of his son, Fred started to take a closer interest in his co-workers’ families. Much to his surprise he learned that Todd had a daughter with none other than Bess Sterling, the infamous speculator, and that Gavin had a son with his alibi girlfriend (whom he had also married for inheritance money). Fred volunteered to babysit the kiddos, on the off chance that something might stick.

    What really happened: I teleported the children in so that they could make messes for Fred to clean away for the Pristine Home aspiration. Yes, I could have sent Fred to the park, where kids make messes all the time, but I like my sims families being connected.

  • Summer Year 3

    Another year, another Summerfest.


    Fred was on parental leave, but his co-workers were still the people he spent the most time with. Rika, Hank and the private investigators also helped Fred with his gardening, to the point where he could take advantage of the lilies’ favorite season by planting some outside the all-season shelter. Those growing in the sun yielded double the results (four instead of two flowers), pushing Fred even closer towards to his financial goal.

    Parental leave = I bought Professional Slacker for Fred to better focus on uni. Next term he will take three courses.

    Hank: “How are your studies going?”

    Fred: “I got an A this term, and am averaging B+. I’m doing well, but the hoped for effect didn’t occur. Skills still don’t stick.”

    Hank: “But you might get a degree?”

    Fred: “Yes, most likely.”

    Hank: “And what then? You’re going to quit the force, aren’t you?”

    Fred: “You’re a detective, Hank. Please ask productive questions, not ones there is no answer to.”

    The job Fred loved and that was important for the community or one that was merely “nice to have” for both the young man and the people of this city, but that was paying better. It was a decision nobody should have been forced to make, Hank thought.

    Halfway point in terms of money, but also a sad occasion: Fred’s first rabbit friend has passed away.

    One day two adventurous half-grown rabbits peeked out of the stump and started exploring their surroundings. Had the first one always been a bit shy, moving away from his home as far as into the enclosed chicken coop at best, these were all over the neighborhood!

    Despite quickly agreeing to help with the gardening, in practice they did as little work as their parent had done, though.

    Gavin: “Behold – the residence of a Neat Freak!”

    Fred: “This is for an uni project. I need to experience maximum fun while being in a desolate space.”

    Ironically Neat Fred cannot complete the Pristine Home aspiration, because it requires upgrading a hoover, what he cannot do without Handyness. Gavin and Daniel sometimes repair things around Fred’s house, but they cannot upgrade things autonomously.
    But, joy, Fred can tackle the Fabulously Filthy aspiration just fine, despite being Neat. (Joy for me, not for him.)

    Meanwhile in the background Connor is fawning over the dust bunnies, feeding and cuddling them whenever he gets the chance. This is pretty consistent for this sim across all my saves, by the way. He’s not a fan of country life, but he sure likes his dust bunnies.

    Fall Year 3

    “An impressive and powerful golden rooster, Aurelius nevertheless got struck by age related ailments early, and had to get fed health treats on regular intervals to combat those issues. I was so happy that he was still strong enough to accompany me to Finchwick to the chicken fair. If anybody has deserved to win a prize here, then Aurelius! Also because he was my very first hatchling.”


    Rika: “Anything on your mind? You aren’t as happy as you should be.”

    Fred: “I was thinking of Michael.”

    Rika: “Don’t worry! Shawn and Eloise take good care of him back home. By the time they have to give him back to us, they may want to register for a Science Baby of their own, haha!”

    Fred: “I trust our friends. What made me sad was Mike missing out on today’s festival and how he will also miss out on Christmas from still being tied to the crib.”

    Rika: “I see! The father is more impatient than the actual baby! Just you wait, we will look back at those calm days with yearning soon.”

    Despite tending to the chickens, gardening, walking to uni every day and eating healthy to the point of having developed the Health Nut lifestyle, Fred was putting on weight that year. He simply didn’t have time to exercise.

    On second thought, his “healthy” diet consists solely of raw tomatoes and mushrooms eaten from the inventory and hummus wraps made from mushrooms and nothing else. No veggies, nuts or fruit, no meat or fish - that sure sounds lopsided.
    Hopefully in the end it’ll all have been worth it!

    And now let’s address the elephant in the room, namely Fred having finished this term with all A+s. He handed in outstanding term papers and an equally outstanding presentation, always took notes in class, never missed class, always went in good mood (not necessarily focused, often just energized or inspired), but also never did some extra learning. Putting in that level of effort seems to be all that is required for uni, no skills needed whatsoever.

    I cannot 100% rule out mods to play a part in this, but the only uni related mods in my game are one that cuts down the number of required credits to eight and another one that makes all electives available every time (Fred didn't take any electives). Nothing that should effect work/school performance.

  • Winter Year 3

    Winter came round again, forcing the lilies back beneath their roof.

    The people, however, strived this season! Not financially, at least not as much as they could have, but in terms of enjoying life:


    Be it the exuberant cries of the sledders and skiing sims, or the serene silence of the forest, only broken by the crunching of boot soles on the path and the occasional burst of snow coming down from a branch, both immensely recharged the Collins couples’ batteries.

    The only sour note was that the universe apparently was exploit-proof. Even hidden skills like ice-skating were blocked for Fred: his ice skating didn’t improve one bit.

    Christmas at the Police Station

    …with the usual suspects getting saddled with the holiday shifts: singles, androids and single androids. There seemed to be no lower lifeform in the whole city than an unmarried, childless android. Even the urban silverfish in the police stations’ restrooms received more appreciation from the Chief.

    Fred suspected that some of his co-workers were secretly working on improving the android situation. For his part, he was looking forward to a personal milestone today:


    “It was Christmas Eve and Michael had been itchy all yesterday and the day before. He had, of course, noticed something out of the ordinary was going on, even though he didn’t understand what exactly. Well, I’m pretty sure he still won’t understand, or form lasting memories, but at least we can give him a better view of the whole thing. From below! – Are you filming, Rika?”

    Rika: “You bet!”

    Rika couldn’t have chosen a more perfect moment for this idle!

    Fred: “Reeeeeeeeeeekuhhhhhhh! Rika, what’s with Mike having two heads all of a sudden?!?!”

    Rika: “How many hands has he?”

    Fred: “Now that you asked… four! That’s not natural! And three… no, four feet, too!”

    Rika: “That’s because he’s sharing the crib with Eloise’s and Shawn’s new Science Baby. Two little boys, see?”

    Fred: “Ah… makes sense. Phew! The kiddos gave me a scare!”

    A visual glitch when I moved the crib from the cell into the floor. As a result, when I gave Mike his toddler outfit, I also added a toddler for the other couple living here.

    Fred: “That’s right, son! You‘re gonna WALK to the cafeteria today!”

    Rika: “Oh my god, don’t look at him too closely! I picked those clothes up from the donations bin this morning… without looking, because I was in a hurry… And his HAIR is all… ugh…”

    Fred: “Hear that? That’s your fashionista of a mom nagging. We have to luxury to complain about such things. Yes, we have our problems, but mostly we’re fine. And so will be you, that I promise!”

    Wanda: “You sure didn’t waste time upgrading to solids, haha!”

    Michael’s randomized toddler trait is Silly. The speed he went at the turkey with makes me want to give him Glutton as his child trait.

    The game didn’t tell me what Michael got from his box, but Fred’s present was a cookie jar. It will come in handy with an unleashed toddler!

    Fred: “Let’s get a head start in teaching you some skills, son, shall we? Don’t worry, no matter how slow you may go, you’ll still be surpass your father in this regard.”

    The words were followed by a deep, heartfelt sigh.

    Meanwhile Shawn turned out to be a doting father, just like I expected him to be.

    Eloise on the other hand seems to be a tiger mom, what is also in line with how I imagine and play her (although overall these two are rarely played sims). Geeze, Eloise, that’s your baby, not a police cadet!

    Eloise: “Don’t interrupt, Enki! I was just telling Marcus that 1-6-4-8 is the police code for a regicide.”

  • New Year Year 4

    New Year’s Eve 2041 was the first day little Michael Collins visited his father at that one’s hovel.

    Fred thought the boy might like to watch a harmless, low noise firework, but Michael didn’t seem to be in favor.


    Another New Year’s Day, another Polar Bear Plunge. This time Fred got his badge first try. I’ll need to remember this lot when next one of my sims has trouble with this tradition.

    Fred invited his friends to a party…

    Todd: “Haha, Danny, fireworks were yesterday!”

    Morgyn: “What’s the occasion, by the way? Michael’s birthday already?”

    Fred: “Uh-uh. Gulp…gulp…gulp…”

    Gavin: “Come again? This time Fred needs to throw a party in a hopelessly filthy house? Who comes up with all those projects? And why didn’t WE got such cool ones at uni!”

    Caroline: “I know, right? I’ll never again say that drama isn’t art! This is superb!”

    Gavin and Caroline were in the same year and dorm at uni. He majored in Communications, she in Visual Arts. Fred, too, has his degree now, and he graduated with honors!

    And then Connor stole a handful of lilies…

    Fred: “Put that back! Put that back immediately! I must save every cent for my therapy!”

    Connor: “I know, I know! But the museum where I live needs a new roof and they are broke…”

    Rika: “C’mon, Fred, Connor helped you all year with the flowers. He is due some compensation!”

    Fred: “I… guess… so… Do you really live in a museum, Con’?”

    Connor: “I’m hardly ever there, but it’s my registered place of residence. I can’t risk losing the address. And Travis and Liberty would be heartbroken if they had to look for new jobs for lack of a workplace. They might not be able to find work in the same place again. Heck, Summer would be heartbroken over Travis and Liberty being sad!”

    Rika (whispering): “I don’t recognize any of those names, but those people seem to be important to Connor. Let’s be nice, okay?”

    Fred: “Well, okay then. Suit yourself!”

    Looks like Hank was also behind on the bills, because he, too, picked plenty of flowers, mumbling something about having to feed the dog and six dependents.

    Winter Year 4

    The old year had passed, but winter was still in full swing.

    Fred: “You are arrested for making me leave the police station in this weather! And for something else I can’t remember right now.”


    Fred: “Did you see your killer, Ms. Mills?”

    Ghost: *points at Amadeus at the reception desk*

    Fred: “No, that can’t be right…”

    Ghost: “What do I know! To me all mortals look the same: clunkily solid.“

    And so Fred learned that even the ability to speak with the dead didn’t substitute for diligent policework.

    Remember the celeb who turned Fred down at the first day of the scenario? He knocked at Fred’s door one day, still somewhat distant, but way more open minded. Apparently Fred having helped Hank and Connor pay their bills has given him a good reputation!

    In the background two prolific 100$ frogs, that were the secret MVPs in the scenario. I put gave them a new home in the house when I found slightly more valuable ones.

    Winter wasn’t just harsh, there were also bright days perfect for family outings like sledding. Uh, you sure this is a good idea, Fred?

    Nope. Doesn’t look like it.

    Building a snowman with Michael towards the end of winter…

    …and the finished work.

  • Spring Year 4

    The scenario completed

    Spring is here!

    The streets were still covered in snow, but the calendar and the migratory birds agreed that colors would return soon now.


    Finally Fred had amassed the full sum of 400,000$. He almost couldn’t believe it, when he stood ankle-deep in soil that was wet and treacherous from the snowmelt. That’s why his knees were shaking, right? Just the ground not being as solid as it could have been…

    At one point Fred received 18,000$ interest from the completed Fabulously wealthy aspiration, what shaved off two days (what would be more significant with aging on).

    Despite his love being music, Fred’s first new skill point should be Gardening, because that activity had carried him through the scenario.

    However, nothing happened.

    Fred had clear memories of having finished his financial goal, phoning Rika, her driving him to the hospital and then all kinds of colorful fluids getting injected into his brain, while he also had to drink that same stuff in a defined order for several weeks, for his muscles to align again. That hadn’t been some party trick! The doctors had explained what exactly each layered drink would do to his body.

    Apparently good intentions could only go so far… The therapy hadn’t worked. Everything Fred and his friends had done, all their efforts and sacrifices, had been in vain.

    Sure, Fred was doing well in his career, had a family and a means of reliably making money. But he would never again be able to sing really well, let alone scale Mt. Komorebi, what had always been a secret dream of his.

    I saved at this point and left the game, rather disappointed by such a downer ending.

    Morgyn’s Advice


    Fred: “…and to add insult to injury, the brain scans DO show change. So I not just squandered the money, but potentially messed up my brain even worse...”

    Morgyn: “Have you entertained the idea of expecting Science to achieve too much in too short a time frame? If there was a breakthrough, as the graphs suggest, even though not the hoped for one, you should explore what ability exactly you have gained.
    Gradual learning maybe still too hard for your brain, so why don’t you see if maybe spells stick? They are simple 0 or 1 packages of information, -you either know a spell or you don’t know it.”

    And so Fred purchased a new want from the rest of his money and started training in magic again.

    It soon turned out that Morgyn had been correct.

    The first spell Fred was able to commit to memory was Inferniate. Roasted mushrooms wouldn’t be such a huge change in his diet…

    Low on fun Fred picked up his violin. He’d never be any good at playing it, but it was still fun.

    And then the miracle happened: Fred could always visualize a skill progress bar gloating over his head, that tracked his progress in mastering the instrument!

    That was a happy surprise! Exit game and reload did the trick.

    The new home


    Soon after Fred was cured, Rika and Michael moved in with him. Rika had bought herself free for some time already, but had wanted to wait for Mike to finish his therapy before uniting the family in the same home.

    Although they had start over almost broke after paying for therapy and the new wand, money came in steadily. Soon the couple could expand the house and move the lilies from their improvised shelter to a greenhouse, where they also planted herbs and veggies.

    Especially the chickens loved the new greenhouse. They didn’t share Fred’s outdoorsy lifestyle!

    The inside – still only the basics, but gradually improving from here on.

    The day Fred was able to cook two golden eggs on toast instead of having to sell them for money was when he realized that everything was well now! He could go at a slower pace and enjoy his life.

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