Forum Discussion

sailorleontine's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

can we have a fairy pack in the sims 4?

the tittle explains itself already,we have aliens, vampires, spellcasters, mermaids and werewolves packs since recently

so i want to have fairies in the game so i can play with them with their own powers and 2 worlds
(a normal world and a secret world for fairies only)

and i have tons of ideas (i made a YouTube video about it last month with my suggestions)

1: Fairies with wings (big and small obviously)

2: Secret world for fairies only (abandoned world or not)

3: Unique clothes (with each colours)

4: Transform themselves in a normal world (just like mermaids and werewolves can)

5: All kind of fairies (i meant like in each forms...thick and thin)

6: Unique wants (flying wants for examble, just to name something)

7: All kind of talents

8: Seeing both good and bad sides from fairies (kinda like vampires and werewolves have)

9: Things that are dangerous and deadly for fairies

10: Unique eye colours and forms for fairies only (just like most occults have)

11: All kind of wing colours (coming from the sims 3 videos)

12: All kind of pranks for fairies only (also coming from the sims 3 videos)

13: Doing tricks with some of the spellcaster can do but also their own tricks

14: Level things up when doing some skills/abilities just like vampires, werewolves and spellcasters too

15: Fairies that can run all auras to benefit themselves and the others nearby (from the sims 3)

16: having a fairy house for fairies only and do a couple of things normal sims can't do

17: Fairies that can use fairy dust for a cure and bringing death plants alive

18: Fairies that can use fairy dust to normal sims so normal sims can fly (for how long?)

19: Fairies that can talk to other fairies about flight experiences

20: Fairies that can change other fairies wing colours (coming from the sims 3 videos)

i also have ideas in general based on the fairies back for both none and fairy occults

1: More building options (whatever you can think of with both none fairies and fairies)

2: More floors and walls and colours options (both normal sims and fairies)

3: More Aspirations/Goals (including Fairies aspirations/goals)

4: More Unnatural skintone options (and eventually doing a free updates for the base game)

5: More personality AND house traits options (you can descripe it for yourself)

6: A new world (we just need to think up a name and a unique climate)

7: More lots and public places (for both normal sims and fairies)

8: More furniture with both fairies and none-fairies

9: More Challenges and adventures

10: More interactions in general

everything else is explained in my video (i don't know if giving the links to the videos are allowed though)

i hope EA consider it atleast if they sees this and makes it either a game or an expansion pack
(i'm not the only one asking for a fairy pack, the others asked for that pack too)

78 Replies

  • I will be really mad at Sims if they do not bring us fairies this spring. Vampires, spellcasters and werewolves each had 2,5 years before the next was released. And werewolves will be 2,5 years old this very spring. So time to get some fairy dust and grow some wings!

  • sailorleontine's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    26 days ago

    unfortunately i'm afraid it won't happen because there was a roadmap from this month untill at the start of may but it didn't mentioned fairies😢😢

    maybe later this year i hope? i want to make a winx club or Tinkerbell stories (maybe create a original story or make a sim based on me in a fairy form)

    we have aliens, vampires, mermaids, spellcasters, werewolves and better ghosts so why not fairies😢😢?

  • i know this had died out but i do hope the team consider making a pack based on fairies either in a game pack or expansion pack

    i saw a few topics some of them very similair to my ideas then others

    Expansion pack idea | EA Forums - 5039129 

    We Need Fairies | EA Forums - 5042944 

    Sims 4 Fairies & Medieval | EA Forums - 4959478 

    Suggestion to make a fairy pack | EA Forums - 11218535 (this version is the most similair to mine)

    they probably didn't saw my version because i believe my version is the oldest from them all😅😅

  • This idea is fresher than freshness. 

    A lot of simmers want this....aint nothing new. Keep asking.

  • I'd like to have a gameplay where we could search and identify faeries, something like Spiderwick Chronicles. 

    It'd be great to get books about mermaids for Island Living, and books about Sylvan Glades (and maybe plantsims) for Base Game. 

    Also an interesting thing that i found out while searching is that Northern Ireland and Iceland has basalt columns on its shores, the nothern irish one is called Giant's Causeway and folklore says its an ancient bridge. So it could/should definetly be used in the world building for this pack.

    With all this time (3 years) without any updates about the return of Game Pack, do anyone think we'll get faeries through an Expansion Pack, like Fairytales EP? This seems cool but this really worries me.

  • I hope the world is like a mix between Bramblewood from Henford-on-Bagley and Granite Falls but with some magic elements. EA must've heard about everyone begging for this, so they must be either working on it or planning it. This year, we need a game pack because by the end of June this year, it will be 3 years since the last one, and can it be fairies, PLEASE? 

    Also, proper hotels in an ep...

  • sailorleontine's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    23 hours ago

    i'm okay with either and i agree it's been over 2 years ago last time we got game packs, i hope it has its comebacks

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