Family Tree Clarifications/Overhaul
The family tree is one of my favorite features of the game; I really enjoy looking at my Sims' lineage and to see the history of their family.
I do hate that in some cases, step-family isn't shown in some members' family trees, like the children of Sim A who remarried, but Sim B has kids, but Sim B's kids don't show up in the family tree at all for Sim A's children or vice versa. In my experience, step-parents only show up for the children of Sims who have remarried another Sim without children. The same goes for Sims who remarry; their step-kids don't show up, only their spouse.
Unless there's a child that comes from the remarried Sims, I can never see the original children of both Sims normally, only if they have a child and the other Sims are labeled as half-siblings.
I'd also like if Sims who are adopted are clarified as adopted family members, like in the family tree, it could show "adopted sister" or "adopted son" as needed.
Another thing I hate is that aunts, uncles, and cousins don't show up in the family tree, but the aunts and uncles show up normally yas sister/brother to whichever Sim is selected.
It'd also be really cool if you could see your pet's family tree in Cats & Dogs. I haven't played very many households with pets (and I think it's a bit stupid that yo ucan't control your pets), so I don't know if it's already possible to, but I would love to see family trees for pets somewhere.