Forum Discussion

Sid1701d9's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 hours ago

The EA Bug report system is complete failure!

My post in the bug report section got marked as a duplicate, even though I searched for an answer using the search feature on this site and it said my post was unique.  I don't see how you can justify someone running around marking things duplicate, when they are clearly not, I am not talking about other people that have complained about automous actions interrupting toddlers, but the priority of the  infants making it difficult to micro manage adults, because when infants cry or fuse or need something all sims ignore all previous actions lined up even canceling work and things to satisfy their own needs.  This is the main reason non of the bugs get fixed.  I do know what a duplicate is!  If it was the same as everything else that was reported on this site I would have not mentioned it in a new post, stop telling me that my bug is a duplicate.  I have not found anything that matched it.

This is another reason why another Sims 5 game is not coming in the future, they don't have a clue which bugs reports are duplicates or close just because a bug is close to another one in its symptoms does not mean its from the same bug!  Its shameful that the community managers could just change my bug report to declined and, than later to duplicate.

I been a fan of the Sims since its release and the people that run the game have failed so measurably on the Sims 4 it makes me wonder if they even have anyone left from the original game that can keep the focus of the game.

             Your loyal fan Sid1701d9

The way to encourage change is through your wallet!

2 Replies

  • I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure most of the bug reports are being combined as they are via the free time and personal efforts of just a few regular Simmers and not forum mods. They don't work for EA, they just do it as Sims fans who want to make sure the really pressing issues are given relevance via grouping all the posts that are basically the same problem.

    I believe your case was merely an accident due to it sounding very similar to a very common problem players have been having as of late. It is an easy mistake to make if you are one out of many people who goes through every single bug report every time you log in to this forum.

    Also, the search feature is not precise. I've reported things before that it deemed unique, but sometimes they actually aren't because I only had visual knowledge of the bug at hand and not more in depth knowledge via labels/naming of items. The post meanwhile only had code-labeling and no visual references.

    Anyway, did you DM this person to enlighten them of the mistake? Even, so... the troubles that are cited in your post sounds like a problem that has existed pretty much ever since Growing Together came along. Therefore, there may be an actual collection bug post of that problem as well or the infants' autonomous demands taking ultimate precedence is a unfortunate "made by design" feature... 

  • EA_Mako's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 hours ago

    Hey Sid1701d9,

    Thanks for the feedback and for taking the time to post that initial bug report!

    It's great to hear that you're making use of the search to check for duplicate bugs before posting. Just to provide some context here, while an exact duplicate of your posted issue may not have turned up for you with the search, we do regularly find certain issues are related or stem from the same root cause once we start digging into the matter. Because of that, we may flag reports as duplicates when we're confident it's an issue that has already been reported in another thread - even if that's not one that turned up in your search.

    To that end I just wanted to confirm - checking back over the bug you've reported alongside our list of issues being investigated, you've made the list! Your recent report actually relates to two others we're looking into already, which you can find here and here

    Ultimately, please don't think being flagged as a Duplicate is a negative thing. In actuality, that helps us consolidate the reports and information to better address any bugs that are raised. If you hadn't found anything with a quick search, not to worry - those handling the bug reports regularly may just be familiar with another relevant thread that's already under investigation.

    As a quick side note, I do see you mentioned concerns that bugs aren't being fixed because they're being improperly flagged - fortunately, this is not the case. One of the nice parts of the new EA Forums is the ability to sort by status in the case of Bug Reports, so you can actually just check here and sort by the Completed status to see a pretty substantial list of bugs that have been fixed, thanks in no small part to you and others filling out reports.

    Thanks again for the additional feedback, hopefully this clarifies things a bit more!

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