The EA Bug report system is complete failure!
My post in the bug report section got marked as a duplicate, even though I searched for an answer using the search feature on this site and it said my post was unique. I don't see how you can justify someone running around marking things duplicate, when they are clearly not, I am not talking about other people that have complained about automous actions interrupting toddlers, but the priority of the infants making it difficult to micro manage adults, because when infants cry or fuse or need something all sims ignore all previous actions lined up even canceling work and things to satisfy their own needs. This is the main reason non of the bugs get fixed. I do know what a duplicate is! If it was the same as everything else that was reported on this site I would have not mentioned it in a new post, stop telling me that my bug is a duplicate. I have not found anything that matched it.
This is another reason why another Sims 5 game is not coming in the future, they don't have a clue which bugs reports are duplicates or close just because a bug is close to another one in its symptoms does not mean its from the same bug! Its shameful that the community managers could just change my bug report to declined and, than later to duplicate.
I been a fan of the Sims since its release and the people that run the game have failed so measurably on the Sims 4 it makes me wonder if they even have anyone left from the original game that can keep the focus of the game.
Your loyal fan Sid1701d9
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