
Sid1701d9's avatar
Seasoned Ace
22 hours ago

Infant demands cancels actions of all adults in the house!

I don't understand the reason for infants in the first place, too me they are too needy, what mother gets up in the morning breastfeeds the infants, before eating herself.  That is stupid and lowers the quality of the meal the infant gets.  Why can't mother get up eat breakfast and than breastfeed the infant.  Every time an infant needs something it makes you drop whatever you are doing even going to work to take care of the infant.  I had enough of the constant micromanagement of the sims because of infants in the house.  Use some common sense in reality I haven't known anyone that would not feed themselves first before they feed their kids especially when they are being breastfeed from the sim I would think it would be important to eat before you give them food.  Also the constant habit of putting them down in the crib is also annoying especially when they are not sleepy.  I got to micromanage my sim adults because when babies cry or fuse everyone in the house gets a thing to check on them and than they just stand there and do nothing for 2 to 3 hours.  I had to tell my male sim to leave for work 5 times because it kept getting canceled by infant micromanagement.  I had to tell my sim to take a show 5 times too.  All actions get canceled when infant cries or fuses, even important actions from another infant at this rate the game is unplayable.

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