Yeah, GTW still needs a refresh.
With burglars back and the new pack coming out, that surprisingly already needs tweaks [not being able to go on a date at a small business, selling all servings instead of a single plate, not being able to use the will system for small businesses, not being able set the styling chair as a spa activity, and more [but this isn't about B&H]] GTW desperately needs a refresh!
First and foremost, the retail system. With B&H, I don't see a reason to even open a retail. Sure, you can't set floor objects for sale [so no furniture store] but that's about it and for players who only like selling what they can make through gameplay the woodworking table is disappointing when it comes to large objects anyway.
How to update:
- Inventory/Packing/Bulk displays - bring back full to empty displays based on what's inside - a fish display, a produce display, clothing rack, bookshelves, shoe display, small trinkets display, card/comic displays etc to be ordered and/or restocked via inventory of the owner or via employee [from a stock room]
- Pricing/discounts/sales based on seasons/holidays or competitor pop-ups, maybe even some kind of loyalty program for repeat customers [a punchcard?]
- New register and bring back shopping bags, self-checkout.
- Same shady/goody aspect but on a corporate/franchise level with more serious consequences*
- Online orders/e-commerce integration/expansion with Plopsy and/or delivery services
- Social Media Marketing packages to purchase to drive sales or foot traffic and/or a person to hire to do the same
- Running the store without being there
- Employee morale and striking
- Studying trends and making changes to business has an effect.
- That sign spinner idea, for this instead.
And that's just the retail system [make the loading screen worth it], the hospital, the police station, and the science lab would be updated as well. All three careers could be updated to have different career paths bonuses.
- player sick sims can go to the hospital to get treatment, checkups, fractures/scuffs from bike, fights, or random events, first-aid class, CPR certification, seasonal allergies, heatstrokes in summer, frostbite in winter, introduce different departments [pediatrics, gyno, ER, etc], medical history, [I would say wheelchairs and canes but that really should be base game], house calls for player sick sims,
Police Station:
- criminal/spy/lawyer/cop update to interact with each other, consequences for too many failed mischief interactions, for failed pickpocketing, for being caught breaking in, for tagging walls [for a much needed graffiti update], for werewolves peeing in public, for vampires caught compelling for a drink, for hackers being caught, player sims who are taken to the station can dig out again, player sims will get a record with time in jail based on it [continually caught, continually behind bars], favors and events, counterfeit machine [I just want her back]
Science Lab:
- more mad science, tours/field trips, a voodoo dissection station [to be a PG version of frog dissection], small microscope, Beaker Family and all their machines, update to aliens with their own skill tree and flying saucer vehicle, different sciences, interaction with engineering from DU, better cross pack integration in general
Could there be more, possibly but for now this is my perfect GTW refresh, it's such an old pack that needs so much help imo.