disable Eco life Neighborhood Action Plans
Hi, is it possible to disable Eco life Neighborhood Action Plans? I like the ecology and the objects of that package, but honestly the plans of the quarter not so much, I wanted to remove only those, but even with the options present, they can't be removed, is there any other system or mod to do it?
Afaik, you can't disable the NAPS altogether via any options. What you can do is disable NPC voting in game options then don't have your playable sims vote for them. If you already have NAPs enabled in a zone, then turn testing cheats on. Go to a residential lot in live mode in each zone and shift click on the mailbox and use the Instant repeal option to repeal all that are active. You'll have to go through every zone in all the worlds you have except Granite Falls and Selvadorada (NAPs are not active in those worlds) to make sure you've disabled them all. With the NAPs disabled, you won't run into the activities that they cause.
One world you might want to leave NAPs active is Evergreen Harbor. Each of those zones has a special NAP that basically beautifies the zones. Once the zone is cleaned up, the NAP needs to remain active or the zone will revert to the trashy state it is in when you first install the expansion pack.
Hope this helps.