That's kinda the problem. Most gigs you only get three "bubbles" of what they like or dislike. I try asking several people to "even" it out, but with only three to go on... I WISH I had the simology panel so I could just look at everyone and see ALL their likes and dislikes, but like I said, it's BROKEN. In the end all I have to go on is the THREE listed and most of the time, they don't help.
Like a bathroom and all I get is "Likes violin", "Hates bowling", and "Hates Purple". What the heck am I supposed to do with that? Since there's NOTHING about decor I can't "Suggest" a new one so I am sure to fail even IF I put a "violin" in the bathroom.
Only a few additions? You've GOT to be kidding. I have like 20-30 gigs on my UI list and HALF of them are "additions". Maybe because I've been skipping them all because the game is broken for them. Edit: Just counted them, I have 37 gigs and 17 of them are "Additions", so just under HALF.
Edit: Just tried ANOTHER "Addition", a "Level Addition". Said "Restricted to top level". Top level had 3 roof pieces, I could delete ONE but not the other TWO. (And they were all on the same level) I tried creating walls and got the same error I always get. I tried creating walls EVERYWHERE on EVERY level and still get the same error. I'm forced to cancel the gig, lose the money and a TON of reputation. The whole system is FUBAR.
I can DO the gigs and get paid every time IF I skip "Addition" gigs and somehow am lucky enough to get some decent "likes and dislikes" during the RANDOM selections...
Just like all other packs that have come out the past year, it's COMPLETELY BROKEN.
Why do I keep buying these? I REALLY need to stop. They simply aren't worth it.