DU Cafeteria Stations and Lot Types
Hi Everyone! So I have a question or two about cafeteria stations and the lot types from Discover University. I'm making a community center in Brindleton Bay and I would like to include one of the DU cafeteria stations, but I'm not sure which lot types will automatically spawn a server for that item. Has anyone here used these cafeteria stations outside of Britechester, and if so, which lot type did you use?
If I use the lot type "UBrite Commons" outside of Britechester, will it still fill up with uni students or will regular NPC townies show up instead? Hey, it's Brindleton Bay so of course I'm looking to make it cat friendly! =^-^=
P.S. I plan to experiment with this further tomorrow but I am too sleepy tonight -_- zzz
OK, so after doing some initial testing with a "UBrite Commons" lot in Brindleton Bay, it does seem like mostly uni students that spawn there rather than regular townies. I suppose this makes sense given the lot type. It did spawn an NPC to staff the cafeteria station as I was hoping. I gave the lot the "Cat Friendly" and "Cat Hangout" traits and there are plenty of stray cats spawning there as well :D. I'm hoping pet owners will show up with their pets but I have not seen any of those yet.
I'd still love to hear if anyone else has any game experience with the cafeteria stations on different lot types.
I'm trying to create a community center like you might find in a small town (like the town I grew up in). Since it is in Brindleton Bay, I'd like for cats to be involved. It has ping-pong, foosball, card tables, etc., plus all the other stuff required by the lot type. I also put in plenty of things for the cats to interact with ;-D If nothing else, this will at least make a nice place for club gatherings.
EDIT: The cafeteria stations are working just fine in custom lots I created in worlds outside of Britechester. In addition to my Brindleton Bay community center, I have a "science center" lot I created in Newcrest with the Foxbury Commons lot type. The game autonomously spawns cafeteria workers for both lots and they function well enough in all other aspects that I am happy enough to keep these lot types in place. Uni students and other NPC Sims come to the science center and interact with the various computers, telescopes, microscopes, etc., that I have placed there.