6 years ago
Grim Reaper's Needs Keep Going Down?
So I've recently added the Grim Reaper as part of my sim's family and I noticed a bug that keeps occurring. Ever since I've added him, I notice that his needs will begin to go down as if he were a normal sim. This generally happens when I start the game after a few days of not playing. I still have his reaper traits activated (creepy voice, floats around and such) so this is throwing me for a loop. I was able to fix the issue temporarily by removing, re-equiping his reaper trait, then clearing the game's cache, but the issue will still occur again over a period of time. I did find out that one of the additional triggers is editing the family in CAS, which when I resume play, Grim's needs start going down.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent the game from doing this? Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent the game from doing this? Any tips are greatly appreciated!