How to unlock Eco Lifestyle Smog-Vacuum?
- 5 years ago
I recently unlocked this item by submitting a ''modded'' eco-invention in the mailbox. So first you draft your eco-invention on the tablet, then you have to present the concept to another sim (you can find this by clicking ''more choices'' in the conversation bubble). By doing this there is a chance that this sim will recommend you to ''mod'' the concept to make it better. If by chance they do, then you can click on the draft in your inventory to ''mod'' it. This will make your concept much better and also it will increases the chance of unlocking some new cool fabrication items, including the smog vaccum which I did! The first time I modded my eco-draft I got the smog vaccum, but I'm not sure if you will unlock this on your first try. Hope this helps :-)