leo1225Check your Neighborhood Action Plans (N.A.P.) if you have Eco Lifestyle. Everyone making white cake is a common effect of the Foodies Unite N.A.P. Repeal the N.A.P. to put a stop to it. Here's what the game says about doing that under Lessons for Eco Lifestyle.
If a N.A.P is active that you don't like or your Sim would like to enjoy a change of scenery, your Sim always has the right to Petition to Repeal any active Plan in their neighborhood.
A Repeal takes a little work. In order to successfully repeal an active N.A.P., Sims must successfully Ask for Repeal Signature from 5 other Sims before the current voting period closes.
Cheats provide a much easier method. Open the cheat console using Ctrl-Shift-C, enter testingCheats on, then Shift-click on the mailbox and Instant Repeal Neighborhood Action Plan (Cheat). You can turn the cheats back off, if you want, with testingCheats off.