Forum Discussion

AugustusARex's avatar
Seasoned Traveler
4 months ago

Life and death: is it possible to reset / reduce progress of soul's journey

It is not a bug, bc it is just the way the game is designed, but when I tried to complete my sim's bucket list, I completed the soul's journey before the bucket list was done. I kinda wanted to see how my sim develops their own goals for the bucket list, and they have received only 2 goals in the process. After I got the last stage of the soul's journey (rebirth) the bucket list was gone, and it makes me kind of sad. I still would like to go on with the list. So I was wondering if there is a way to reset the soul's journey, or to cheat away the progress (maybe?) just so I get enough time to actually fulfill the bucket list? Seems the soul's journey meter is filling up quite fast if you are fulfilling sim's wants and aspiration...

  • ..emm I think I answered my own question, there is a cheat, just for those who may be interested it is:
    testingcheats true
    stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_MovingOn_SoulsJourney [value]

    Replace [value] with a number.
    I think it is 5 points for each rank, so if you input 20 you will get the 4th rank of Soul's journey etc.

7 Replies

  • AugustusARex's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    4 months ago

    ..emm I think I answered my own question, there is a cheat, just for those who may be interested it is:
    testingcheats true
    stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_MovingOn_SoulsJourney [value]

    Replace [value] with a number.
    I think it is 5 points for each rank, so if you input 20 you will get the 4th rank of Soul's journey etc.

  • AugustusARex's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    4 months ago

    Just a little heads up, after testing this it seems that you can cheat the progress of the Soul's Journey but after changing statistics it was stuck for my sim at the same position, so wishes, aspirations etc were not filling the bar anymore. So maybe wait until UI cheats have the option to change it, if you still want the Soul's Journey to progress normally 

  • WildwingSuz's avatar
    New Scout
    4 months ago
    @AugustusARex Thanks for adding this. I use UI Cheats and mistakenly shift-clicked on the soul journey and completed it! I was having a good time working through it. I'll keep an eye out.
  • Ambergers's avatar
    New Scout
    4 months ago

    Thank you for posting this! I was progressing my Soul's Journey too quickly and wanted to reset it. When I Google'd to see if there was a cheat for it, this post came up.

    I think the Soul's Journey progresses way too fast, and once you reach the Dream's Fulfilled stage, you can't even do a Bucket List anymore. My Sim recently aged up to a YA and within two Sim days he was almost finished with the first stage just from Wants and Aspirations alone.

  • AugustusARex's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    4 months ago
    @Ambergers Yes, I was also upset by how fast it is going! I just found a mod: Slower Soul's Journey Progression. I tested it now for a couple of days and I think it is working fine, now the speed is much more fitting to the lifespan of the sims!

    Just as a note: if you intend to use mods pls always scan the mod files or use ModGuards etc to keep your PC safe!
  • Lorna4312's avatar
    2 months ago

    I appreciate your input on this. I had a Sim who flew through his Soul's Journey really fast and I wanted to save him to the gallery for use in other saves, however, he had the completed Soul's journey in every download even if I revert him to teenage. It's frustrating.

  • OrcusIpsum's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    14 hours ago

    I ran into this same issue today. I found your post and was eager to reset my Sim's Soul's Journey but hesitated when I saw your Sim got stuck and could not make progress anymore. I mentioned the issue to my wife, who is much smarter than me, and she had an additional step to add if you play on PC and use mods. You need the mod MC Command Center. 

    After using "testingcheats true" and "stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_MovingOn_SoulsJourney 0" (it has to be reset down to 0 if you follow the next steps 100%). 

    Click on your Sim and open MC Command Center. 
    MC CAS
    Manage Traits
    Remove Trait

    When you see the box that lets you enter a trait name, enter "trait_movingon". This will bring up all of the "moving on" traits for Soul's Journey. When you click each one, it will remove the trait. Remove them all and your Sim's journey will be reset to 0!

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