Forum Discussion

puzzlezaddict's avatar
4 days ago

[READ FIRST] Reaper Rewards: Known Issues List

This is a list of the master threads for current known issues with the Reaper Rewards event.  Please find the thread that most closely matches your issue and reply there.

When posting, please provide the info requested in the original post or accepted solution so that EA can gather the relevant information.

Note:  All these links are for threads on Answers HQ because that's where EA is currently gathering information on these issues.

You do NOT have the Reaper event at all
As in, you do not see the Events tab at the Main Menu or the Grim icon in the upper-left corner of the screen in Live mode (see the thread for screenshots):

You have the event but no tasks showing
You see the Grim in-game but no plumbobs and no tasks to complete, AND you have not completed all available tasks:

You see the tasks but some do not complete
You complete tasks but the UI does not give you credit for them:

Your event tasks are resetting
You can complete the tasks, and you get credit for them, but some or all of your progress resets when you reload the game:

"Ask spirits about ambrosia" not available on séance table
You own Paranormal and can buy a séance table, but the option to ask the spirits about ambrosia is not showing:

Cannot read intro to Green Lady's Tome
Your sim owns the tome but cannot specifically read the intro:

"Lifelong Goals" Discovery Quest won't go away
You close this Discovery Quest but it keeps reappearing:

If you're having a Reaper Rewards-related issue not listed above, and it happens with no mods or custom content present, please create your own thread describing the issue.  If you do use mods or cc, please test without it to confirm that this is a game issue.