Forum Discussion
I had the same problem just now (PC, Mod folder thrown out, version 1.105.345.1020).
In my case, the problem was connected to a Discovery Quest. After I completed it, chessboards were accessible again.
I triggered this now, because I decided to throw away one and a half week of gameplay, just to make sure there are no hidden remnants of the disastrous update of February 27, and so I loaded a save file from February 26.
My current sim immediately got three discovery quests, "Lifelong Aspirations", "You and Your Phone", "Always on the Move". For the first quest, I needed to get an aspiration point, and I decided to go for "level up logic skill from 5 to 6". So I went to the Willow Creek Library chessboard, and only "Polish to Perfection" was available, the other actions were grayed out ("no permission"). Putting a new chessboard there didn't help. Only the sim with the quest was affected. Only public lots were affected (I checked Copperdale High School), no private lots (I checked three). Everything was fine again after I completed all three quests.
@crinrict Maybe this should be moved to the "Bug Reports" board, as at least in my case it was clearly a bug and not mod related?
- crinrict2 years agoHero+
@AxelRogat No, cause OP marked this as solved.
If you have issues without mods, create a new report.I'm going to lock this though
It's always important to check WHERE you post when you post in an existing thread.
Same with giving me toos.
Check if it has solutions, check which forum it's in and then decide from there where your post should go.
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