I haven’t had the whole game freeze, but once when one of my sims was visiting a lot in Sulani I tried to cancel an eating option and the sim got stuck. Going into build and back did not unstick it and I could not travel. I didn’t think of trying going into manage worlds, I was afraid to save so just went to main menu and restarted. After that I started saving more often. The only other problem I have experienced is when I placed the sales table on the beach lot I wasn’t getting people to readily buy from it but it was raining and my sim was uncomfortable from it. I would try talking to the people and my sim would forget she was tending the table and try to do other things. At home in the snow when my sim tried to sell from home ( small lot in Brindleton Bay) people weren’t coming by the table to buy anything. I don’t know if that was a bug or snow related. People were walking around the neighborhood part though. My gaming laptop is only a year old and i don’t use CC or mods, but do own all the packs.