Forum Discussion

LiELF's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
8 years ago

"Magic" Expansion with Witches and Other Spellcasters

So some time back in February, shortly after Vampires came out, there was a fabulous thread dedicated to everyone's ideas for Witches. As a proud member of #TeamSupernatural, you can imagine I had a lot of ideas to contribute. So, once again, I figured these suggestions belonged in the Ideas Forum, so I'm posting a copy of my own ideas here, where hopefully, the devs will read and consider them. You can find the original glorious thread here:

I feel that they should drop the theme of "witches" and expand it to something more general like "spellcaster" or "magic user". Then we could have a variety of Casters that we could make. Perhaps the type of Magic User would determine the power path. We could choose to play witches, wizards, voodoo priests, sorcerers, hedge mages, necromancers, alchemists, etc. Why not have it all? They could have certain default powers be exclusive to each category, and then have a selection of spells that we could buy (like the vampire pack) to customize our Casters. Sims should be able to become a Caster through studies, enchantment, birth or apprenticeship, as well as be created in CAS.

I also feel that some of the powers should include raising the dead, for both bringing sims back to life and also creating zombies. I'd personally love a mummification ritual too, so we could have mummies back, and perhaps a way to create golems and creatures like Frankenstein's Monster (which would have been great with careers in Get To Work, but wasn't included.) Rituals should be a thing for the "magically imbued" that can be studied and learned by any Caster.

Potions are a must, and I'd like to have elixirs that transform sims as well, not just into frogs and such, but also in a Jekyll and Hyde way, maybe giving them a dark form similar to a vampire, that maybe tweaks their behavior somehow. Various potions should also be able to cure vampires (and other supernaturals) and be learned without vampire lore, and perhaps give some skill boosts and freeze need decay for a time, among other things.

I'd like to see various tools for different Casters too, like wands and cauldrons, staffs and scepters, bones, tarot, candles, tomes, etc., and also a way to purchase the ability to cast using just their hands.

I'd like to see wards that work like lot traits that prevent supernaturals from entering homes, brooms that can be enchanted to clean, and spells that conjure meals and repair things.

Honestly, there is so much infinite potential when magic is involved that I feel it's too big for just a game pack. But maybe we could have an expansion that is like two game packs put together, and we could have the other supernaturals that I mentioned, plus a cool new full map with bayous, castles, and weird places, and a bunch of new build/buy stuff. It could be an expansion in which magic in general is the main theme. (Kind of like Makin Magic)

Back when I used to play Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition (dating myself here, haha) there were "schools" of magic, that were like categories for spells. They included Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy, Illusion, Summoning/Conjuring, Divination, Evocation/Invocation, Alteration/Transmutation, and Abjuration. Now, in the very famous Harry Potter story, they had something similar when students attended Hogwarts, and they took a variety of classes that taught specific types of magic. Transfiguration, Charms, Divination, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Runes, Potions, etc. Also, there is a huge variety of fantasy fiction and media that references a plethora of magic types like elemental, nature, spirit, forces, mind, time, etc....

Now, I know that the devs can only put so much into a pack, so I'd really love to see a bunch of these categories kind of condensed into a variety of magical paths that make sense for the Sims world, that the spellcaster could choose from. It would be similar to the Vampire powers, of course, but I feel like it should be a little more branched out because, after all, magic encompasses an enormous potential. I'd like to see a way to "specialize" in a certain category, if it's possible. I brought up previously that I'd like to see a variety of spellcaster types, like Witches, Wizards, Voodoo Priests, Druids, etc. who, when chosen, came with a default spell or two specific to their type, that they wouldn't have to purchase with points. For example, a Druid might come with an ability to make garden plants evolve faster (need that! ;) ), but it could still be a purchasable power option for other spellcaster types. Maybe the type of caster also determines what kind of implement they have options to use, or what kind of visual effect appears when they cast. In the same example, the druid might have an option to use a knotted staff, and/or maybe a whoosh of leaves appear when they cast. I know that might be a little too ambitious for development, but I'd still like to see it if it were possible. I suppose that implements could also just be cosmetic accessories in CAS for people who really want them. That said, I do think there should also be a way to play a spellcaster without a category, like a "wild mage" or "hedge mage", and they would just cast with their hands and maybe start off with the ability to buy a low level spell to start.

But I was thinking, also, of some cool things that spellcasters could do in game, but some of these things would be dependent on other expansions, so I don't know if it would go over well, but it would give the pack the potential to really branch out and I'd love the options to be there for "crossover" spells. Examples: If there was a "Celestial" path, it might be able to summon aliens, get someone abducted, banish aliens, etc. (Would require Get To Work). There could be a "Fauna" path that deals with the control of sims and animals, (would require pets and/or werewolves) could summon pets, maybe turn someone or themselves into an animal, turn someone into a werewolf, etc. An "Elemental" path could manipulate the weather, (would require a weather pack and/or seasons) as well as cause fires, freeze, blow sims down with wind to be dazed, etc. A "Necromancy" path could bring a Sim back to life, turn them into a ghost, vampire, mummy or zombie, or turn them back into a normal Sim, (would need, of course, other supernaturals like zombies), and change a Sim's age, etc. In any case, this would mean that a spellcaster/magic pack would have to come after some of these other things were already released, or have them included with the pack somehow.

Anyway, I have a bazillion other ideas but this post is already pretty long, so I'll leave it at that for now. But I do really want to see voodoo and druids and necromancy included somehow. Pretty please? :)

P.S. Familiars! Both animal and undead (zombies), plus control a pack of animals or summon "minions". And we must have new travel powers! ...On brooms, teleportation, mystical gateways, and elemental travel!

  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    "CeCeDot;c-16828650" wrote:
    And something important in witchcraft, crystals having specific uses! You can make charms from them and when your sim carries them in their inventory, depending on the crystal your relationship with other Sims become better, or nobody will bother you, ot your work preformence increases a bit more, etc

    Definitely! Witches could actually mine for their own crystals and turn them into magical implements for spell influence. Great idea!
  • My number 1 wish would be for the return of witches, which I'm sure we'll get at some point since it's a popular request, but I'd love to see a version of miagic town too; I loved all the items in the TS1 magic town, especially the item where you tried raising the dead and calling up a storm, and the duelling platform. :smiley:
  • Witches are the top occult in the entire Sims franchise, they should receive a EP treatment instead of a GP like vampires or be a simple side feature like in SUpernatural/Apartment Life.
    I would like to see the little dragon pets back in the game, and i love all of your ideas. Maybe a Hogwarts themed feature as well for the kids/teens. I would love to see different branches of magic in the game, as well as a partnership with Warner Bros to add some clothing and some objects liek they did with Star Wars. Not asking for a recreation of Hogwarts, just small side stuff... Would be impossible for them to have such a big partnership. haha
  • Everyone here is so creative with their spell ideas! I'm a simple simmer, just give me a divination skill for tea and cards and I'm good! Plus crystal healing could add points to the wellness skill.
  • "LiELF;c-16281378" wrote:
    "hellbunny123;c-16281220" wrote:
    I would love a witches game pack! Mixed in with fairies and mythical creatures! I made a fan trailer for the witch pack, you can watch it here: :) :)

    Love it! :)

    Thank you!!
  • Personally I don't really need a full on expansion actually I'd rather the expansion go to a more universal theme like seasons or university. Id be happy with witches as an inclusion like aliens were. I loved witches so much that I'm so pumped they may be added back especially with how well done aliens and vampires turned out to be.
  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    Since I've been seeing some new life being breathed into requests for Witches and Magic, I'm giving this thread a little revival.

    I would love to see more people share their ideas for a Magic expansion.
  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    "SimsAddict_244;c-16826594" wrote:
    Anyone can become a witch/wizard or can born as a witch or created in CAS.

    I'd also like to have a magic school with their own courses to learn magical techniques: elemental, astrology, divination, alchemy, Wicca, black/forbidden magic, wandless magic, druidism, exorcism, incantation, invocation, mysticism, cartomancy paganism, shamanism, runic divination, transfiguration, astral projection, magic circle, chaos magic, white magic, demonology, familiar spirit, occultism etc. Sims can choose one or more subjects to study. Can also become new careers.

    To keep it simple, witch sims can follow 3 main paths: good, bad and neutral.

    Ranks: Initiate, adept, mage, master, apprentice

    Objects: grimoires, ouija, tarot, crystal ball, amulets, brooms, wands, cloak of invisibility, magical weapons, magical carpet, magical ring, talismans, voodoo dolls etc.

    San have the possibility to have familiars which means I hope they include supernatural creatures but they can also bond with cats/dogs. Depending on their relationship and traits, if their familiar die, the sims can die too.

    Basically, gameplay is paramount to me and for that, I need to have control and A LOT of options.

    I agree, having a lot of options would be ideal. That's pretty much why I want them to expand beyond Witches and have a variety of spellcasters to choose from, as well as types of magic. I do like the idea of a magical school for young aspiring magic users. I imagine they'd have to come out with a school pack first so they could incorporate a specialty like that.

    I also really want the "magically imbued" to be able to duel against Vampires.
  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    "Sim_Man17;c-16828385" wrote:
    I'm always a big fan of Magic and everything that involves the arcane. So I approve of this idea! Plus, since we got skeletons and we could have zombies get a return, how about we add necromancy to the witches? Witches can summon/reanimate skeletons and/or zombies to do their chores.

    Necromancy is something I really, really want. I'd love to be able to make a Voodoo Mambo who can raise the dead and create zombie minions and turn people into skeletons and summon or banish ghosts. It would also be a great way for players to control the life and death of their Sims. It would also help if we could have actual graveyards.