Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

Okay, Now I'm Mad

So, the family has three toddlers and an infant. The family goes off to a concert, and I get a notice that the wee ones have been sent to Daycare. The family returns, my Global Superstar is on his way upstairs to change the dirty diaper of his infant nephew and that fast, before he's even made it up the stairs, I get a notice that 'due to neglect _____ is being whisked away to safety. You might want to get a gold fish before you consider having another child.' Or words to that effect. :o :/ :'(

This angers me. The Nannies do precious little and oftentimes, the children don't get adequate care when sent to Daycare. Please, EA, fix this hot mess. Had I not cheated all three toddlers to full needs and then disabled their decay, I'm certain they would have been taken away, too. This is my celebrity's sister's family.

Just so you know I am exiting WITHOUT saving. But, I find this totally unacceptable.