Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

On the Verge of Tears

Today, I got up excited to continue on with my current game save. My chosen parents-to-be of the very first Infant in my game are nearly to the end of their third and last term at uni. I had things all planned out. I left the game yesterday so that I would be all fresh, able to see clearly (bad eyes) and carry on. After reading two separate threads on the possible state of our mods once the Patch hits, I no longer know what to do. I've already been made wary of patches, in general. I now have what I call PPDS. EI: Post Patch Distress Syndrome.

Realizing I may well be better off starting from scratch without the mods needed to make my Sim the Global Superstar Rock Star he currently is, has me heart-broken. I have worked my tail-end off just trying to recreate the save I managed to lose. It just vanished into nothingness by my profound sense of haste. Made a horrific error that requires me to burn my veteran Sims player stripes.

This time, based on those two articles, I will go ahead and back up the entire Sims4 folder. But, do I just download my characters, and start all over again? Or just Erik and his wife? Where do I go from here?

I have mulled over the possibility of creating the family dynamics via interactions between them. But without placing all four of the older Cantrell kids back in with their parents, trying to set the FD via CAS, (even if we can do it with cas.fulleditmode) may be impossible, if not improbable at this stage.

I simply am in disbelief that three years later, over something I have sincerely hoped for and very much wanted, I'm back to facing a most untenable situation.

Any helpful thoughts are more than welcome. I'll be back to check on this thread. (A nice warm shower is calling me, where I will, oddly enough, find comfort singing a particular Paul McCartney song, that I found myself singing after losing two and one half hours of work on my novel after an eight-year bought with Writer's Block. Ah, me.)

Thanks for reading.

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